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"Why, really, now that you make me think of it, I believe I should like it amazingly, and I could leave my niece with Lady Lady Stick-in-the-mud; what the deuce is her name? The wife of the Chief Justice, you know. You ought to know, really I never remember names much;" he jerked out his sentences irately. "Certainly, Lady Smith-Tompkins, you mean.

"Stop the camera!" he barked and waddled irately up to Muriel. "This," he observed ironically, "is drama, Miss Gay. We are not making slap-stick comedy to-day; and you needn't give an imitation of boosting a barrel over a fence." Tears that were real slipped down over the rouge and grease paint on Muriel's cheeks. "Why don't you make that girl stop butting in?" she flashed unexpectedly.

'You ought not to have, interposed Stella, meaning from a historical point of view. But Vava who was 'rehearsing her play' to Stella more for her own benefit than to entertain her sister was not at all pleased at this criticism, and replied irately, 'If you want to see your old Dante you'd better not come, for we are not going by it at all. 'So it appears, observed Stella dryly.

Once Clint tripped over a fallen branch and measured his length and once Amy ran head-on into a sapling and declared irately, as he rubbed his nose, that he would come back the next day with an axe and settle matters. At last, after a silence of many minutes: "We're doing it, I'll bet you anything," said Amy. "Doing what?" asked Clint from the twilight. "Walking in a circle. We must be.

"Don't ask me," I said. "Perhaps your friend the Mayor call tell you." "But, Monsieur, I do not understand," the Mayor answered piteously, his mouth agape with horror, his fat cheeks turning in a moment all colours. "This gentleman, whom you seem to know, Monsieur le Comte " "Is the Marquis de Rosny, President of the Council, blockhead!" Laval cried irately.

"If you are a follower of Renan, sir, you had better admit it before proceeding further in your studies," he said irately, "The Church is too much troubled in these days by the members of a useless and degenerate apostasy!"

The front door opened and Reuben Gray entered, leading the two children and saying: "It was too sharp for 'em out there, Hannah, my dear, especially as Molly, bless her, was a-sneezin' dreadful, as if she was a-catchin' a cold in her head; and so I fotch 'em in." "Reuben, where's your eyes? Don't you see who is in the room? Here's Ishmael!" exclaimed Hannah irately. "Ishmael! Why, so he is!

I had no sooner arrived at the landing than I heard a man's voice, somewhere above in the second story, speaking with a note of determination that demanded some sort of recognition from the person addressed. The clear, ringing, resolute tone made me involuntarily pause and listen. "Where 's your headquarters man?" the voice was irately demanding. "I want to see him, d' ye hear?

"Tha'd be in a tight place, my fine chap, if I had my way," he flung forth irately. "I'd like to get thy head under my arm." The roll of approaching wheels reached Miss Alicia. "There's another carriage," was her agitated exclamation. "Oh, dear! It must be Lady Joan!" Little Ann left her seat to make her father return to his.

You promise?" "Yes." And Roger left her. He went to bed but he could not sleep. With a sudden sag in his spirits he felt what a bungler he had been. He was not used to these solemn talks, he told himself irately. What a fool to try it! And how had Deborah taken it all? He did not mind her laughter, nor that lighter tone of hers.