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Updated: August 9, 2024

"I calculated it would be as interestin' to me as to her, and if anything was about to cut loose" he laid a hand carelessly on his revolver "why, I'd help it along. The little pink pansy, it seems, went to look after our friends, the enemy," Rex went on. "The hail nearly busted that old rock open. I thought once it had. The ponies are scattered and likewise the Kiowas.

And the thought pleased me much. "But," objected the Tinker, for I had spoken my thought aloud, "trees and suchlike don't sound very interestin' leastways not in a book, for after all a tree's only a tree and an inn, an inn; no, you must tell of other things as well." "Yes," said I, a little damped, "to be sure there is a highwayman " "Come, that's better!" said the Tinker encouragingly.

'tain't even interestin'. Hand over them cartridges; let's see what sorter stock we got." Westcott was sensible now of a feeling of intense exhaustion. The fierce fighting in the room behind the saloon; the excitement of the attempt to escape; the chase, ending with the plunge through the stream had left him pitifully weak. He could perceive his hand tremble as he handed over the cartridge belt.

We was over this part of it last week goin' and comin' from the county conference," said Mrs. Flagg in a dignified manner. "What persuasion?" inquired the fellow-traveler, with interest. "Orthodox," said Miss Pickett quickly, before Mrs. Flagg could speak. "It was a very interestin' occasion; this other lady an' me stayed through all the meetin's."

I can show you the way to the jail, too, if you want to know; but I s'pose you've been there many a time," laughed the "wharf rat." Gray was irritated at this rudeness, but he swallowed his anger. "Would you like to make five dollars?" "Now you're talkin' interestin'. Why didn't you begin at that eend of the subjick?

He tells that to every stranger, every stranger larfs, and the two parsons larf, and the old 'Sir' larfs so, he wakes up an old sleepin' cough that most breaks his ribs, and Thomas is set up for a character. "Well, arter servants is gone, and women folks made themselves scarce, we haul up closer to the table, have more room for legs, and then comes the most interestin' part.

Wrenn walked out of Mrs. Cattermole's excellent establishment and heavily inspected the quiet Bloomsbury Street, with a cat's-meat-man stolidly clopping along the pavement, as loneliness rushed on him and he wondered what in the world he could do, he mused, "Gee! I bet that red-headed lady would be interestin' to know."

At the narrow opening where we had seen Little Blue Flower the young Indian boy stood upright and motionless, and again he gave no sign of seeing us. "Let's just run over to that church a minute while we are here. Looks interestin' over there," Rex suggested. I wondered if he could have heard Little Blue Flower, and thought her suggestion was a good one, or if this was a mere whim of his.

Spalding, not given to stepping lively at other men's commands, was slow in answering, and then spoke drawlingly: "Wanted, am I? Well, that's interestin'. By who? I'm wonderin'." "Miss Gloria. She wants you right away." "That's different," said old Jim, getting to his feet. Gratton turned and hastened back to the house, Jim quickening his own pace as he sensed something out of the ordinary.

"While I wuz ambulatin' eround ter-night I overheard some conversation what wuz interestin'," remarked Bud, who was sprawling on a bearskin in front of the fire. "What was it?" asked Ted, who had been turning over in his mind what Billy Sudden had told him of the organization of tough boys under the guidance of the ex-convict.

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