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Updated: August 9, 2024

This, however, made him look more interesting, or, as the young ladies at Major Bush's said, "interestin'." When Mr. Bernard showed himself at meeting, on the first Sunday after his arrival, it may be supposed that a good many eyes were turned upon the young schoolmaster.

"But you don't really want to marry me. I'm not young, and I'm not interestin': one or the other you've just got to be." "You're mighty interestin' to me, Hepsey, anyway; and and you're mighty unselfish." "Well, you needn't throw that in my face; I'm not to blame for bein' unselfish. I've just had to be, whether I wanted or not. It's my misfortune, not my fault.

"Na-ah." "Hm. Well, that's too bad. No doubt you are Harvard men, anxious to preserve your incognito in this this paradise of violet blue, as the newspapers say." "Na-ah," said Key scornfully, "we was just waitin' for somebody." "Ah," exclaimed Peter, rising and filling their glasses, "very interestin'. Had a date with a scrublady, eh?" They both denied this indignantly.

Lathrop, to make a long story short it was n't very interestin' I will even in confidence remark as I found it pretty dull. I read all my seven programs an' made out as the first day was give to greetin' an' the next to meetin'. The next was on trees an' the one after that they was all goin' to drive. An' so on, an' so on.

Oh, thar's a whole world of interestin' things you've never seen!" "Makes me feel ter'ble ignorant," Rube regretted ruefully. "I dunno nothin' o' what's beyond th' mountains that I see ev'ry mornin' from Birkenshaw's Camp. Don't know nothin'; can't do nothin'. I'm just as useless as I'm ignorant."

When the eggs come out, each grub digs a tunnel out from the big gallery, an' in about three weeks the grub has made a long tunnel, livin' on the bark an' wood for its food, an' has grown to be a beetle. Then it bores its way out an' flies away to another tree to repeat the same interestin' performance." "And if there are a lot of them," said Wilbur, "I suppose it stops the sap from going up."

"That's very strange and interestin'. I'd like well to visit old Adams, lad, an' I thank 'ee for the invitation; but I won't run my ship through such a surf as that, an' don't like to risk leavin' her to go ashore in your canoe." "If you please, sir, I'd be very glad to go, an' bring off what news there is," said Jack, the English sailor, whose surname was Brace.

Walen read out their last observations, and Mankeltow asked questions, and Lord Lundie sort o' summarised, and I looked at the photos in the album. 'J'ever see a bird's-eye telephoto-survey of England for military purposes? It's interestin' but indecent like turnin' a man upside down. None of those close-range panoramas of forts could have been taken without my Rush Silencer.

And yet ye take this case what's most interestin' to 'em? Yer gal won't like that, Mister." "She loves me, and when I explain that it's all under the law she'll forgive me. There's nothing quite like having a woman in love with you to get her to do what you want her to." "But her brother, he ain't lovin' ye that way. He won't forgive ye." "He doesn't cut any ice," said Everett.

Here in this tiny creature are the roots of growth of the animal world, and by its inherent development, and evolution, it will surely in time remove every trace of this incomparable crisis in which we are now involved." "Dooced interestin'!" said Lord John, lounging across and looking through the microscope. "Funny little chap to hang number one among the family portraits.

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