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"He was a man as there warn't much harm in, I've allays said. 'Tain't a man's fault if he can't make his sermons interestin', I s'pose." "Mr. Hardenburgh preached real good sermons, now, always seemed to me," rejoined Mrs. Carpenter. "He meant right; that's what he did." "That's so!" chimed in Mrs. Mansfield, a rich farmer in her own person.

"But I'm thinkin', wid great admiration for yourself, ma'am, I'm thinkin' this country wid its interestin' people in pajamies, its scenery resemblin'a lobster salad, an' government illuminated by figures of spache an' inspired wid seltzer-wather I'm thinkin' it would make its fortune, sure, by exhibition of itself in the capitals of the worrld, ma'am.

"Let him talk," said Marcus. "It's always interestin' to know what another horse thinks. It don't tech us." "An' he talks so, too," said Tuck. "I've never heard anythin' so smart for a long time."

"No, she hoped to take some position of 'trust. She does not care at all what it is, so long as the occupation is 'interestin' work, she says. That is rather vague, of course, but she speaks and appears like a nice, conscientious person." "Tell us the rest; conceal nothing," I said sternly. "She she thinks that we have saved her life, and she feels that she belongs to us," faltered Salemina.

"Well, I wanted to, but he wouldn't hear of it. He's feelin' ever so much better to-night, and he wanted to go alone. I just come in." "Yes, you've got your hat on yet." Whitwell put his hand up and found that his daughter was right. He laughed, and said: "I guess I must 'a' forgot it. We've had the most interestin' season with plantchette that I guess we've about ever had.

And among the educational exhibits one of the most interestin' to my mind is the one I speak on in the Varied Industries Palace. The company that displays this has other interestin' exhibits at different places at the Exposition, but here they have a display that I wish the head of every big concern that employs labor could see and study and take to heart.

There was a time, when Sarah was alive, before we had even the old ship's cabin on the end of the old dock by way of an office, when I carried my business in a wallet in my breast pocket that is, what we didn't carry in our heads but the mother of those two lads, she was with me then. That's long ago. A most interestin' man he was.

I didn't Did you say er 'Frisco?" "Yes, San Francisco, California. I've been West on a little cruise. Had an interestin' time. It's an interestin' place; don't you think so? Well, I'm sorry you can't come. Good night." "Wait!" faltered the great man. "I I let me think, Cyrus. I do not wish to seem er arrogant in this matter.

They would look at each other, nodding wisely at intervals while they murmured, "Interestin' bit bairnies." Boggley, when young, was of a peculiarly fiery temper.

It's very interestin', I s'pose, but my head begins to spin, an' it seems to me it's gettin' out of order. Do ye see my har, Doctor?" said he, exposing the heavy shock that crowned his head. "Yes, I see it," replied the Doctor tartly. He thought he had shaken off his unpleasant visitor, and his return disturbed him. "Well, Doctor, that has all riz sence I come in here."