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Cal'late I'll have to be runnin' along now, Jed." Jed Winslow selected a new and unpainted sailor from the pile near him. He eyed it dreamily. "Well, Gabe," he observed, "if you must, you must, I suppose. Seems to me you're leavin' at the most interestin' time. We've been talkin' about this and that, same as you say, and now you're leavin' just as 'this' has got here. Maybe if you wait wait a "

They are guid craturs in their ain place, and baith interestin and usefu when they are occupied in conductin the affairs o' their houses, obeyin the commands o' their husbands, and ministerin to his slichtest wishes, as if every look were an act of parliament; but, to stoop to mak a woman a counsellor, to gie her a vote in the great council o' the noble thoughts o' man's divine mind!

This wuz in the children's room, and all the animals are reproduced life size, every one of 'em two and two, jest as they enter the Ark. We couldn't hardly tear our two pardners away, Selinda and I couldn't. Josiah said, "It wuz so beautiful and interestin'," and so Bizer said.

I just let it stand that way and told him such was the arrangement." Joe saw swift satisfaction play across Steve's face. "And and then, after that, him and me why, we just drifted off into a real interestin' and scientific discussion about them birds I been mentionin' to you. We somehow we got to discoursing about owls.

This Side will not always be patient of unheavenly gases and waters. I will make representations to our so-called Moderns. I oughtn't to do it, but this Side is occasionally human. By no means bad, Paddy. 'Thank you, sir, said Vernon, wondering how inspiration had visited him. Then Beetle, concertinaing his books, observed to Winton, 'When King's really on tap he's an interestin' dog.

And then, thinkin' mebby if I made myself agreable and entertainin', he would change the law quicker, I made a effort, and related a little interestin' incident that I had seen take place jest before my former departure from Jonesville, on a tower. "No, selfishness don't pay. I have seen it tried, and I know. Now, Bildad Henzy married a wife on a speculation. She was a one-legged woman.

"I'm responsible for your safety, Samantha, and if anybody goes to that dangerous and onseemly meetin' I will. Mebby Polly would like to go with me." As stated, Polly is as pretty as a pink posy, and no matter how old a man is, nor how interestin' and noble his pardner is, he needs girl blinders, yes, he needs 'em from the cradle to the grave.

'This here war, sir, I took occasion to say, 'fairly gives me the Jane. He reckernised the word at once, an' lugged out his note-book. 'Do you know, constable, says he, 'that you're talkin' French, an' it's highly interestin'? 'I make no doubt as 'twould be, sir, says I, 'if I was to hold on with it. 'You don't understand, says he.

Well, we had a good deal more of jest such profitable and interestin' talk as two such great wimmen would naterally, and we parted away from each other with a cordial hand shake and mutual good feelin'. But she called me back and sez she: "I want to give you one word of solemn warnin' before we part," and I stopped stun still and listened. "I don't know," sez she, "as you'll ever be a queen."

If he does he'll make things mighty interestin' for Dunlavey likely he'll remember who was in the crowd which beat him up. If he dies " His eyes flashed savagely. "Well, if he dies you boys can go as far as you like an' I'll go with you without doin' any kickin'." "What's goin' to be done with that noospaper of his'n?" inquired Ace. "You reckon she'll miss fire till he's well again?"