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A mere glance at the index to her correspondence shows how widely she was in touch with her time. She was a woman of personal charm and of sympathies passionately wide, and she gathered around her friends and disciples from every social group in Italy, not to speak of many connections formed with people in other lands.

If they have learnt of Nature's priest to respect her, they will less distrust those rare daughters of hers who are moved by her warmth to lift her out of slime. It is by her own live warmth that it has to be done: cold worship at a niche in the wall will not do it. Well, there is an index, for the enlargement of your charity. But facts were Dudley's teachers.

Call up Heyfuss and declare that ore cargo off; after you've done that I'll tell you where you can get something better. Moreover, you can close the deal yourself and save the brokerage." Cappy Ricks called up J. O. Heyfuss and in a few terse sentences told that individual where to head in. "Now, then " he began, facing round on Redell once more. Again Redell's index finger tapped Cappy's knee.

I stand for index to the people of the path they should take to triumph must take, as triumph they must sooner or later: not by the route of what is called Progress pooh! That is a middle-class invention to effect a compromise. With the people the matter rests with their intelligence! meanwhile my star is bright and shines reflected.

These two conditions are not diametrically opposed to one another as would appear at first glance. On the contrary, they can be made to go together in all classes of work, without exception, and in the writer's judgment the existence or absence of these two elements forms the best index to either good or bad management.

Agostino smoked his loosely-rolled cigarettes, and Vittoria sipped chocolate and looked upward to the summit of Motterone, with many thoughts and images in her mind. He commenced by giving her a love-message from Carlo. "Hold fast to it that he means it: conduct is never a straight index where the heart's involved," said the chuckling old man; "or it is not in times like ours.

Let us consider these points in inverse order, beginning with the last one. We will admit that at present the majority of women are not consciously desirous of any extension of their political rights and privileges, but deny that this indifference is any evidence against the desirability of such extension. It has long been accepted that the position of women is an index of civilization.

Arthur was taken into a small room, so full of papers that it seemed difficult to turn in it, and there he stated his business. "You are a son of Mr. Channing's, I believe," said Mr. Dove. He spoke morosely, coarsely; and he had a morose, coarse countenance a sure index of the mind, in him, as in others. "Was it you who figured in the proceedings at the Guildhall some few weeks ago?"

As for Septimius, let him alone a moment or two, and then they would see him, with his head bent down, brooding, brooding, his eyes fixed on some chip, some stone, some common plant, any commonest thing, as if it were the clew and index to some mystery; and when, by chance startled out of these meditations, he lifted his eyes, there would be a kind of perplexity, a dissatisfied, foiled look in them, as if of his speculations he found no end.

Dress yourself fine where others are fine, and plain where others are plain; but take care always that your clothes are well made and fit you, for otherwise they will give you a very awkward air. Chesterfield. One is judged first by his dress but this judgment is not final. A better index is his speech.