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Next she was beside me on the grass, my head on her bosom, saying, with a little sob, as if she had done some wrong thing: "I-I did not choose it, dear; indeed I did not. It came in order with the day, as your father reads; and I I did not think until I began it, and then I would not stop. It is strange for it to so chance. I wonder where that prodigal's mother was all the while?

As at first the young man made no reply, the professor after waiting spoke again. "You understand, Mr. Coke, that if you separate yourself from the party you encounter my strongest disapproval, and if I did not feel responsible to the college and your father for your safe journey to New York I-I don't know but what I would have you ex- pelled by cable if that were possible."

This Frenchman alone must be your creditor for a good deal. Oh, I know all about it, all about it." "I-I am surprised at you, my dearest mother," said the General in some confusion. "I-I am greatly surprised. But I do not need any extraneous control of my finances. Moreover, my expenses do not exceed my income, and we " "They do not exceed it? Fie!

"Yes, you love her, it is she you love-I know it, I feel it, and I-I am only the wretched object of your pity, or of your caprice. Very well, go back to her go and protect her, for I swear to you she is in peril!" He smiled with his haughty irony. "Let us see your plot," he said. "So you intend to kill her?" "If I can!" she said; and her superb arm was stretched out as if to seize a weapon.

Dick shook his head as he grasped his employer's hand, and with hope shining in his eyes, replied: "You know why I am glad for this chance to go east again, George." And his friend answered, "Right as usual, Dickie; God bless you. If Clara was somewhere way out there in the big world without a friend, I-I reckon I'd go too."

Stover addressed himself to Fresno, who had gone pale, and was still prostrate where he had fallen. "Get up, Mr. Berkeley, but don't make no more moves like that behind a man's back. He most got you." Fresno arose in a daze and mopped his brow, murmuring, weakly, "I-I didn't mean to." Carara and Mr. Cloudy came out from cover whither they had fled at Willie's first movement.

"What are you dreaming of?" said poor, frightened Colia, stooping down towards the old man, all the same. "Le roi de Rome," whispered the general, trembling all over. "What? What DO you mean? What roi de Rome?" "I-I," the general continued to whisper, clinging more and more tightly to the boy's shoulder. "I wish to tell you all Maria Maria Petrovna Su Su Su......."

'Ye wo-won't get none, says Rita, says she, jes' that-a-way, and D-Dic he p-puts in and says, says 'ee, 'I-I g-guess not, says 'ee, jes' that-a-way. Then Doug he-he puts his gun agin' a gum tree and g-grabs Rita about the wa-waist, hugging her up to him ti-tight-like. Then he-he push her head back-like, so's 'ee c-could get at her mouth, and then Dic he-he ups and knocks him d-down.

Brown, his freckled face hotly flushed, his eyes grown hard, struck the rock with clinched hand. "D-d-damn you, B-Bill," he stuttered desperately, his great chest heaving. "I-I 've had jist 'nough o' th-th-thet sorter talk. Yer s-s-spit out 'nuther word 'bout her, an' th-th-thar 'll be somethin' e-else a-doin'."

"I-I think I'll go for a walk." " I'm going up stairs to read." " Well, so long, old man. " So long." There was no heart to it. Peter Tounley went to Coleman's door, where he knocked with noisy hilarity. " Come in I " The correspondent apparently had just come from the street, for his hat was on his head and a light top-coat was on his back. He was searching hurriedly through some, papers.