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Updated: August 13, 2024

I only want her to see that a meal really consists of food after all; I don't mind putting my best foot foremost, but I won't ape her." "Huccome they to fuss like this, peaceable as Mr. Stanton be, an' what's Shelley's beau to them?" "I should think you could tell by looking at Pryors," said mother. "He's their mystery, and also their son.

"I lay I bus' yo' haid open ef yer don't quit yo' stan'in' wi' yer mouf gapin' at the trouble yer done made." Aunt M'randa was sparring for time. "Don' yer worry 'bout dat, honey" this to Emily Louise "hit's jes' one dese here mistakes in jogaphy, seem like, same es yer tell erbout gettin' kep' in foh. Huccome a gen'man like yo' paw, got bawn y'other side de Ohier River, 'ceptin' was an acci-dent?

When Cupid came in with the decanter of Burgundy, he filled a glass and held it absently against the light, but he did not drink it, and in a moment he put it down with so tremulous a hand that the wine spilled upon the floor. "I've a touch of the gout, Cupid," he said testily. "A touch of the gout that's been hanging over me for a month or more." "Huccome you ain' fit hit, Ole Marster?"

My mama don't never make me promise her nothing, she just pays me to be good. That's huccome I'm 'bout to get 'ligion and go to the mourner's bench. She's gone up town now and if I don't go outside the yard while she's gone, she's going to gimme a baseball mask. You got a ball what you bringed from the plantation, and I'll have a bat and mitt and mask and we can play ball some.

But I 'spects I'll hab to confess a little about dat, Miss Patty. You see, I dun tole him I was gwine t' work for yo', and dat's huccome he guv 'em to me." "That's all right, Mancy. After he gets that long order we made out this morning, I'm sure he'll feel he was justified in favouring us; but get down out of that chair.

'Well, he say, 'cose you un'erstan' now dat you is Sis' Jane Callender, caise you inhe'it huh name, an' when de doctah come to mek out de 'stiffycate, you mus' tell him dat Sis' Dicey Fairfax is de name of de diseased, an' it'll be all right, an' aftah dis you got to go by de name o' Jane Callender, caise it's a bus'ness name you done inhe'it. Well, dat's whut I done, an' dat's huccome I been Jane Callender in de bus'ness 'sactions, an' Dicey Fairfax at home.

Huccome him to be bald? He's out in the fiel' one day a-pickin' cotton when he see a tu'key buzzard an' he talk to her like this: "'I say tu'key buzzard, I say, Who shall I see unexpected today?

He's 'lowable to come to me an' say, 'Huccome you wearin' dat shirt? Dey ain't but one James Bartrum writ down in de book, an' he ain't no colored pusson. 'Co'se I could explain, but I's got 'splainin' 'nough to do when I git to heaben widout dat." Amanda paused with her hand on the doorknob. "Marse Jim'll beat you to heaben; that is, ef he don't beat you to the bad place first.

"They say Miss Sally, Miz Steerin', that is, feels mighty broke up because her paw didn' live to see all that's a-goin' on this day." "Yass, reckin's haow that's true." "Howdy, Miz Dade, haow you come on?" "Huccome you to come, Asa?" "They say the Steerin's air goin' away to-night. Goin' back East on a visit." "Yass, that's true. The tramp-boy is goin' along. D'you know that?

"I tell yer, Marse John," he resumed, after a thoughtful pause, "dey's one word o' ole marster's I don'no' huccome it slipped my min', but hit was a long glorified word, an' I often wishes hit'd come back ter me. Ef I could ricollec' dat word, hit'd holp me powerful in my preachin'. "Wonder ef you wouldn't call out a few dic'sh'nary words fur me, please, sir? Maybe you mought strike it."

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