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Updated: August 28, 2024

The immediate result was almost electrifying to lads who had never caught even a minnow before. Bobby's hook had barely sunk when it was seized and run away with so forcibly as to draw a tremendous "Hi! hallo!! ho!!! I've got 'im!!!" from the fisher. "Hoy! hurroo!!" responded Tim, "so've I!!!" Both boys, blazing with excitement, held on.

"She's game once she gets started, and it certainly looks like she's started." "Hoy!" Paula and Dick cried simultaneously, as they thrust out their hands. But Dick's were closed, and hers were open. Graham watched her vainly quest her person for the consequent forfeit. "Come on, Lady Godiva," Dick commanded. "You hae sung, you hae danced; now pay the piper."

He is Sir William W. Hoy, whose official title is General Manager of the South African Railways and Ports. Big, vigorous, and forward-looking, he sits in a small office in the Railway Station at Capetown, with his finger literally on the pulse of nearly 12,000 miles of traffic.

You must see how drunkenness stores up misery for you here and hereafter. What will become of you when you die, if you go on as you are doing now? What will become of your families? What will " At this moment there was a loud shout of "Hoy! hoy!" from the lips of a carter who was coming with a brewer's dray out of the inn-yard.

Not always when the will works may we lay hold of it in the act: somehow, she knew not how, she heard herself speaking. "Are you sure it was God, Ian?" she said. The voice she heard was weak and broken, reedy and strained, like the voice of one all but dead. "No, mother," answered Ian, "but I hope it was." "Hopes, my dear hoy, are not to be trusted."

"There is hard work, but there is also fun." "Tell me about the fun," said Tum Tum. "I do not like to hear about the hard work." "The work goes with the fun," said Hoy, "so I will tell you about both. The hard work comes in marching through the hard city streets, that hurt your feet. That is when we go in the parade. I know, for I have been in many parades.

"Will that be harder?" asked Tum Tum of Hoy as he marched to the side of the barn where the elephants were kept. "Much harder," said the old elephant. "But I think you can do it." "I'll try, anyhow," spoke Tum Tum, with a jolly laugh. "I think tricks are fun." Standing on his front legs, with his hind ones in the air, was not as funny as he had thought.

Secretary of State James H. Hughes welcomed the convention for vice-Mayor McGee, who refused to do so. The speakers were Mrs. Helen Hoy Greeley of New York, Samuel H. Derby of Kent county and Mrs. Florence Bayard Hilles, Delaware chairman of the Congressional Union.

"Have him out, or they'll hear on deck." No one answered, and I moved forward and tried to help by clasping Bob round the waist. "Ahoy! Ahoy! Haul away hoy!" All in quite a smothered whisper, and then there was another moan. "Now again. All together." I joined in and dragged with all my might, but our efforts were in vain, Barney paused to get a fresh messmate's legs.

This behaviour from a man who had received not only liberal payment from his passenger for accommodation, but also such frequent stores of fresh provisions that Fielding's private purse had indeed gone some way in maintaining the ship's crew, that passenger justly resented, and to a hasty resolve of quitting the ship by a hoy that should carry him to Dartmouth, he added threats of legal action.

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