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Updated: August 28, 2024

'Then he ought to know, or you, sir, as his clerk, should inform him, said I, 'that I am the complainer in this case, and that my complaint ought to be heard before I am subjected to cross-examination. 'Humph hoy what, aye there is something in that, neighbour, said the poor Justice, who, blown about by every wind of doctrine, seemed desirous to attain the sanction of his brother squire.

They were followed by a whale, which they made sure was a witch-whale, and boded more ill luck; and accordingly they were struck by a storm in the Pentland Frith, and the poor Garpike went on shore on Hoy, and was left there forever and a day, her crew being hardly saved, and very little of her cargo.

Then, one day, some circus men came to where Tum Tum was chained, and one of them said: "Now, we'll take out this big elephant, and teach him some tricks. Get Hoy, so he'll show Tum Tum what we want done." "Ha! So now the tricks begin!" cried Tum Tum to Hoy. "Yes, and you want to watch out, and do as you are told, or you may not like it," said Hoy.

"If you will pardon me for interrupting you, sir, I fancy Mrs. Travers is endeavouring to attract your attention." And at this moment a ringing "Hoy!" which could have proceeded only from the relative in question, assured me that his view was correct. "Just step this way a moment, Attila, if you don't mind," boomed that well-known and under certain conditions, well-loved voice, and I moved over.

I took my leave with sad heart, and embarked myself in a hoy for Dover, with Mrs. Waller and my sister Margaret Harrison, and my little girl Nan; but a great storm arising, we had like to be cast away, the vessel being half full of water, and we forced to land at Deal, every one carried upon men's backs, and we up to the middle in water, and very glad to escape so.

John Hoy; and no sooner was it made, than the prisoners and the two wagons were at once forwarded under an escort to O'Neill's camp, where, on the Kid and Black Jack being recognized as belonging to Buffalo, they were released at once; the others being held for a short period with a view to gaining some information from them, relative to the movements or whereabouts of the enemy, of which, as it subsequently turned out, they knew nothing whatever.

One afternoon I found Robbie Rosson down at the shore side. He was standing near to my boat, which was moored to the jetty, and looking as though he would give anything for a sail in her. "Are ye going for a sail today, Hal?" he asked meekly. "Ay, I'll go, if you'll come with me, Robbie," I agreed. "If ye like we'll take a run o'er to Hoy Head.

It had been, indeed, left in the hoy, when the other goods were re-landed, as William, when he first heard it was missing, had suspected; and whence, had not the owner of the hoy been unluckily out of the way, he had retrieved it soon enough to have prevented our giving the lady an opportunity of displaying some part of her goodness.

"Y-es," said the hoy, embarrassed "but if there is anything I can do for you " "Not unless you are free for the evening," returned the other; "are you?" "I'm awfully sorry " "Oh, all right. Let me know when you expect to be free telephone me at my rooms "

Fortunately, though, as I fell, my outstretched hands, clutching wildly in the air, came in contact with the identical rope whose sudden descent from the gangway above had been the unwitting cause of the disaster, the tail end of the "whip" Mr Triggs had ordered to be rigged up from the lee yardarm, in readiness to hoist in the powder when the hoy bringing the same was made fast alongside.

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