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Updated: August 19, 2024

Et, ne pouvant demeurer en tel lieu, emmenerent la pauvre femme avecq eulx droict a la Rochelle, ou, apres un navigage, ilz arriverent. Et quand ilz eurent faict entendre aux habitans la fidelite et perseverance de ceste femme, elle fut receue a grand honneur de toutes les Dames, qui voluntiers luy baillerent leurs filles pour aprendre a lire et a escripre.

Ordure amons, ordure nous affuyt; Nous deffuyons honneur, il nous deffuyt, En ce bordeau, tenons nostre estat. But there is more than the truth of ugliness in these amazing ballads of which the Grand Testament is full. Villon was by nature a worshipper of beauty.

A beautiful rose-tree was blossoming in the window, and Petrea, breaking off a flower, presented it to the Lieutenant, with the words Honneur au plus vaillant. Petrea thought that this was remarkably striking and apropos, and secretly expected that her knight would lay the myrtle-spray with which he was playing at her feet, adding very appropriately Hommage

The next one spoke with a simpering precision of pronunciation that was irritating and said: "If ze zhentlemans will to me make ze grande honneur to me rattain in hees serveece, I shall show to him every sing zat is magnifique to look upon in ze beautiful Parree. I speaky ze Angleesh pairfaitemaw."

Mademoiselle vould she do me de plaisir de honneur to dance one minuet?" "Oh, if she would but dance!" whispered some of the group of young ladies. "Excuse me, sir," said Miss Warwick. "Not a minuet? den a minuet de la cour, a cotillon, or contredanse, or reel; vatever mademoiselle please vill do us honneur."

We 2 poore adventurers for the honneur of our countrey, or of those that shall deserve it from that day; the nimblest and stoutest went before to warne before the people that we should make our entry to-morow. Every one prepares to see what they never before have seene. We weare in cottages which weare neare a litle lake some 8 leagues in circuit.

Apparently she means the Notables and the Parliament. The Duc de Guines. See ante, ch. xviii. "'Il faut, dit-il, avec un mouvement d'impatience qui lui fit honneur, 'que, du moins, l'archevêque de Paris croie en Dieu." Souvenirs par le Duc de Levis, p. 102. The continuer of Sismondi's history, A. Renée, however, attributes the archbishop's appointment to the influence of the Baron de Breteuil.

One catches words like 'honneur' and 'patrie. They lean forward on their crutches, hanging on every syllable which comes hissing and rasping from under that heavy white moustache. Then the medals are pinned on. One poor lad is terribly wounded and needs two sticks. A little girl runs out with some flowers. He leans forward and tries to kiss her, but the crutches slip and he nearly falls upon her.

"O, my dear monsieur, how I moost glad to see you your daughter Mees Julie she 'ave say yais yais yais to my ardent love suit and now I have the honneur to salute her respectable papa." "O, father," said the terrified girl, "it was with mother's knowledge and consent." Brandon could not speak a word. "This lady, sir," said Merton, fiercely, advancing to the count, "is my affianced bride."

"'Have "Honneur et patrie" engraved on it, he said; 'the history of our last two campaigns is summed up in those three words. "Then those who were going out with him came up, and I spent the rest of the morning with them. The Emperor walked to and fro along the beach; there was not a sign of agitation about him, though he frowned from time to time.

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