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"I hope you did up Jerry right!" cried Annie, a vindictive flash in her dark eyes. "I haven't called him up this mo'nin' to see how he's feelin'," said Clay whimsically. "Miss Annie, we're worried some about you. Mrs. Muldoon is right anxious for us to get you to come and stay awhile with her. She's honin' to have a li'l' girl to mother. Don't you reckon you can go?"

"Uncl' Gabe," he said with sudden passion, "whut ye reckon Rome's a-doin'?" The miller looked a little petulant. "Don't ye git tired axin' me thet question, Isom? Rome's a-scratchin' right peert fer a livin', I reckon, fer hisself 'n' Marthy. Yes, 'n' mebbe fer a young 'un too by this time. Ef ye air honin' fer Rome, why don't ye rack out 'n' go to him?

Likewise, they mind their own business, which is also why they've be'n let grow to onhuman proportions. But, not to seem oncivil to a stranger, an' by way of gettin' acquainted, I'll leak it out that it ain't no fault of Texas that I come away from there but owin' only to a honin' of mine to see more of the world than what Texas affords.

"'You jest thinks you don't like beans, says Dave, an' with that he sorter dictates at the tenderfoot with his gun, an' the tenderfoot thar-upon lays for his frijoles like he's actooally honin' tharfor. "'Which it all shows Dave's got a good heart, says Missis Rucker to Tucson Jennie.

"And so ye can go, ye sweetheart," she whispered. "I know what ye want." She came back for it. "Just like Danny would be honin' to come, if it was me," she murmured with a sudden blur of homesickness. Through the pasture she flew with the speed of a deer. The tall sunflowers along the fence seemed to throw a light in the gathering gloom.

I dreams of the Siege of Acre, an' Richard the Lion Heart; an' I simply can't sleep nights for honin' to hold a tournament an' joust a whole lot for some fair lady's love. "'Once I commits the error of my career by joustin' with my brother Jeff. This yere Jeff is settin' on the bank of the Branch fishin' for bullpouts at the time, an' Jeff don't know I'm hoverin' near at all.

No Westerner can ever understand a Southerner's need of sympathy, and, however kind their hearts, they are unable to give it. Only a Southerner can understand how dear are our peculiar words and phrases, and poor little Molly took new courage when she found I knew what she meant when she said she was just "honin'" after a friendly voice.

And I may say in point of fact, that the man with no wife is like a man with bad luck the Lord never gives him anything else, either!" The colonel slapped his right hand on his knee and exclaimed: "Watts McHurdie what's the matter with you, man? Don't you see Nellie's all ready and waitin' just fairly honin', and longin', I may say, for a home and a place to begin to live?"

Vanderwiller!" she said. "I am glad to see you! And how is your wife and Corson?" He looked down at her reflectively, and for a moment did not say a word. Then he swallowed something and said, jerkily: "An' you're the one that done it all, Sissy! The ol' woman an' the boy air as chipper as bluejays. An' they air a honin' for a sight on you." "Yes. I haven't been over lately.

But as you were about to re-mark you're fair honin' for a chance to ask the kid's pardon. Now, ain't I a mind reader, seh?" A trembling voice stammered huskily an apology. "Better late than too late. Now, I've a good mind to take a vote whether I'd better unload the rest of the pills in this old reliable medicine box at you. Mebbe I ought to pump one into that coyote heart of yours."