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Just as we were passing the pier-head, where several boats were rowing into the harbour, the captain came up to me. "`You've run away, you blackguard! he said, giving me a box on the ear. "`No, I haven't! said I angrily, for the box was by no means a light one. "`Hark'ee, boy, can you swim? "`Yes, said I.

"Hark'ee then," said he, grasping my hand and leaning to my ear in the gloom, "give up this desperate quest, stand by me, and I can promise ye that which is better than empty vengeance wealth, Martin, rank, aye, and what is best of all, a noble woman's love " "Enough!" cried I, "I am no weathercock and my mind is set "

"Well, so it does sarve him right," added one who had been a prominent speaker in the recent debates; "but hark'ee, friend," he said, turning to Gaff with a scowl, "you can't knock the whole crew down in that fashion. I advise ye, for your own sake, to mind what ye're about." "I means to do so," said Gaff; "I'll stick to my dooty and to the cap'n."

Thou art a bold, impudent varlet as ever lived to beard me so, forsooth! Hark'ee; thou sayst I think naught of mine old comrade. I will show thee that thou dost belie me. I will suffer what thou hast said to me for his sake, and for his sake will forgive thee thy coming hither which I would not do in another case to any other man. Now get thee gone straightway, and come hither no more.

In a second or two it was answered, and the pirate boat rowed round the point at the Water Garden, and came rapidly towards us. "Now, go, make a fire on that point; and hark'ee, youngster, if you try to run away, I'll send a quick and sure messenger after you," and he pointed significantly at his pistols.

"Aye, aye, Cap'n!" they roared, pressing upon me with a shaking of fists and glitter of eager steel. "Twist his thumbs, Cap'n!" cried one. "Slit his nose!" roared another. "Trim his yeres!" cried a third. But Tressady silenced them with a flourish of his hook. "Hark'ee, lads!" says he. "You all mean well, but you're bunglers, here's a little delicate matter as none can handle like the Smiler.

"Eyther'll do; an' one o' 'em 'ud be more nor surficient, ef 't war left ter Walt Wilder. But, hark'ee, Frank!" he continues, his face assuming an astute expression, "I'd like to be sure 'bout the thing now that is, to get the gurl's way o' thinking on 't. Fact is, I've made up my mind to be sure, so as thar may be no slips or back kicks." "Sure, how?"

Hark'ee, boy," said Bill, lowering his voice, "what said the captain to you the day you came aboard?" "He said that he was a trader in sandal-wood and no pirate, and told me that if I would join him for this trip he would give me a good share of the profits or put me on shore in some civilized island if I chose."

If you don't give me three-and-sixpence, don't give me a brass farden. And if you do give me three-and-sixpence, deary, I'll tell you something. He counts the money from his pocket, and puts it in her hand. She instantly clutches it tight, and rises to her feet with a croaking laugh of satisfaction. 'Bless ye! Hark'ee, dear genl'mn. What's your Chris'en name? 'Edwin.

The father then broke a long spell of muteness, and thus to his son, in his ringing country tones, as if pursuing aloud the tenor of his thoughts: "Hark'ee, Master Adrian," said he, "that you are now a man of parts, as they say, I can quite see. You seem to have read a powerful lot of things that do not come our way up here. But let us understand each other.