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Updated: August 1, 2024

"He wrote in the same magazine two lives of Liston and Munden, which the public took for serious, and which exhibit an extraordinary jumble of imaginary facts and truth of by-painting. Munden he made born at "Stoke Pogis"; the very sound of which was like the actor speaking and digging his words." Hark'ee, Mr. A word in your ear.

Hasn't meself been looking over the bed, and under the bed, and in the bed, for the matter of that, and divil a ha'p'orth of breeches is there to the fore at all: I'm bothered entirely!" "Hark'ee! Mr.

Here he took up the letter Godby had brought and breaking the seal, read it through, once with a glimmer of his grim smile, read it again and frowned and frowning, glanced across at me: "Here's matter concerning you, Martin, hark'ee!" Moreover I will you should sail as speedily soon as may be.

We will follow with a small guard, for such respect is due to one who holds the honor of his king in keeping; and hark'ee, Duncan," he added, in a half whisper, though they were alone, "it may be prudent to have some aid at hand, in case there should be treachery at the bottom of it all."

If they had Free-trade they wouldn't be starving: if they were not starving they wouldn't drink. Therefore, hurrah for Free-trade, and, my poor fellows, here's your shilling! Only don't'ee let it go for more drink'; and, hark'ee, remember it's no bribery money o' Mr. Trenchard's, its mine. "Thank'ee, zir, thank'ee; hurrah for Duke Dugdale and Free-trade!" shouted the men as they staggered off.

I say!" answered the chimneysweeper, sturdily; "Hark'ee, my duck," chucking Cecilia under the chin, "don't be cajoled, nick that spark! never mind gold trappings; none of his own; all a take-in; hired for eighteenpence; not worth a groat. Never set your heart on a fine outside, nothing within. Bristol stones won't buy stock: only wants to chouse you."

"Why, I mean, if we sit here with the window fastened so as to prevent our light from being seen, and the door closed, how are we by any possibility to know if the house is attacked or not?" "Hark'ee, my friend," said the admiral; "I've left a weak point for the enemy." "A what, admiral?" "A weak point.

In a second or two it was answered, and the pirate-boat rowed round the point at the Water Garden, and came rapidly towards us. "Now, go, make a fire on that point; and hark'ee, youngster, if you try to run away, I'll send a quick and sure messenger after you," and he pointed significantly at his pistols.

I know very well you will attempt to run away from me, by secretly removing from the city; but hark'ee though you remove to hell, and assume the hardest name of Beelzebub's family of fourth cousins I'll find you out! Remember, I have said it. Adieu. And bowing with mock politeness, the miscreant took his departure from the house. 'Good heavens! exclaimed Mrs.

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