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Malcourt looked at him, the ever-latent mockery flickering in his eyes; then, by degrees, his head bent forward in the old half-cunning, half-wistful attitude as though listening. A vague smile touched the pallor of his face, and he presently looked up with something of his old debonair impudence.

Later, after she had spent a half-amused, half-wistful quarter of an hour in front of her glass, seeing inescapable white hairs and an irremediable double chin, she had gone down to the dining room for lunch.

She came back to the bureau, looking down thoughtfully at the coarse towel that covered it, and the brush and comb and tray of matches. There was nothing else on the bureau. But on a little bracket at the side the picture of a young girl, with loose, full lips and bright eyes, looked out from a great halo of pompadour with the half-wistful look of youth.

He crowed for all the world to hear because now, at last, he had become its citizen. Was there not then, from some one, disregarded and forgotten at that moment, a sigh, lighter than the air itself, half-ironic, half-wistful regret? Young Ernest Henry Wilberforce, who had only yesterday achieved his second birthday, watched, with a speculative eye, his nurse.

But at this point he had broken off his discourse, and told an anecdote in his half-witty, half-wistful way about an article which he had written on Blake and which had somehow strayed into the hands of a man and his wife living in Normandy. This couple were at the time engaged in continuing the tradition of Bastien Lepage.

She hesitated and touched my hand for an instant. "It's silly," she remarked as she did so. "It means really we're " She paused. "Yes?" said I. "Engaged. You'll have to wait years. What good can it do you?" "Not so many years." I answered. For a moment she brooded. Then she glanced at me with a smile, half-sweet, half-wistful, that has stuck in my memory for ever. "I like you!" she said.

"Now, Tom! it 's wrong of you to say so. Of course he loves you ever so much more than he does me," cried Polly, reprovingly. "Why don't he show it then?" muttered Tom, with a half-wistful, half-defiant glance toward the library door, which stood ajar.

'Of course, of course; whenever you like and as much as you like, said Mrs Mildmay eagerly. 'I will not be unreasonable, the old lady said with one of the half-wistful smiles that were so touching. 'Even if if everything had been going to be as I hoped, I would never have wished or expected anything which could have interfered with her home ties and duties.

Hugh d'Argent sat speechless, returning the Bishop's steady gaze. No fear was in his face; only a great surprise. Presently into the eyes of both there crept a look which was half-smile, half-wistful sorrow, but wholly trustful; a look to which, as yet, the Bishop alone held the key. "So you know, my lord," said Hugh d'Argent. "Yes, my son; I know." "Since this morning?" "Nay, then!

There was a dimple in the dainty chin, and the mouth had a half-frightened, half-wistful smile. "Captain Grier will send up her boxes to-morrow. They got aground and were delayed. I began to think they would have to stay out all night. The captain will bring up a lot of papers for Winthrop, and everything," explained Mr. Leverett. "Are you cold, little one?"