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With these words, she moved an implement such as I had not seen before, and which made a ringing noise at a serious distance. And before I had ceased wondering for if such things go on, we might ring the church bells, while sitting in our back-kitchen little Gwenny Carfax came, with a grave and sullen face.

What should I look at a young man for, although he did offer to kiss me? I saw the spite and impudence of this last remark, and so did Lorna, although she could not quite refrain from smiling. 'Now, Gwenny, not to speak of that, said Lorna, very demurely, 'if you thought it honest to keep the letters, was it honest to keep the money?

"But it isn't polite, Myron, to take anything away without asking and, anyway, I know mamma and Gwenny will be satisfied to just hear about our good time, and they wouldn't want you to do such a thing." She tried to put the cookies back on the table but Myron clung to them stubbornly. "No, no!" he said. "They are my things! I went without 'em, and I want to take them home to mamma and Gwenny.

I was astonished at its burning in such mighty depths of snow; but Gwenny said that the wicked men had been three days hard at work, clearing, as it were, a cock-pit, for their fire to have its way. And now they had a mighty pile, which must have covered five land-yards square, heaped up to a goodly height, and eager to take fire. In this I saw great obstacle to what I wished to manage.

Then by the time I had set up Lorna, beautiful and smiling, with the seal-skin cloak all over her, sturdy Gwenny came along, having trudged in the track of my snow-shoes, although with two bags on her back.

'Come along, you little Vick, I said, for so we called her; 'I have a message to you, Gwenny, from the Lord in heaven. 'Don't 'ee talk about He, she answered; 'Her have long forgatten me. 'That He has never done, you stupid. Come, and see who is in the cowhouse. Gwenny knew; she knew in a moment. Looking into my eyes, she knew; and hanging back from me to sigh, she knew it even better.

It was the same figure I had seen once before in the moonlight, at Plover's Barrows; and proved, to my great delight, to be the little maid Gwenny Carfax. She started a moment, at seeing me, but more with surprise than fear; and then she laid both her hands upon mine, as if she had known me for twenty years. 'Young man, she said, 'you must come with me. I was gwain' all the way to fetch thee.

Now when the young maidens were gone for we had quite a high dinner of fashion that day, with Betty Muxworthy waiting, and Gwenny Carfax at the gravy and only mother, and Tom, and I remained at the white deal table, with brandy, and schnapps, and hot water jugs; Squire Faggus said quite suddenly, and perhaps on purpose to take us aback, in case of our hiding anything, "What do you know of the history of that beautiful maiden, good mother?"

'Twadn't fair play nohow: no, no; don't tell me, 'twadn't fair play nohow." "True enough, Gwenny," I answered her; for the play had been very unfair indeed on the side of the Bodmin champion; "it was not a fair bout, little maid; I am free to acknowledge that." By that answer, or rather by the construction she put upon it, the heart of the Cornish girl was won, more than by gold and silver.

"I tried to raise her, but she was too square and heavy for me; and so I put food in her mouth, and left her to do right with it. And this she did in a little time; for the victuals were very choice and rare, being what I had taken over to tempt poor Aunt Sabina. Gwenny ate them without delay, and then was ready to eat the basket and the ware that contained them.