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And now we shall beat them, I make no doubt, even if they come at all. And I defy them to fire the house: the thatch is too wet for burning." We sent all the women to bed quite early, except Gwenny Carfax and our old Betty. These two we allowed to stay up, because they might be useful to us, if they could keep from quarreling.

'After all, Mistress Lorna, I said, pretending to be gay, for a smile might do her good; 'you do not love me as Gwenny does; for she even wanted to eat me. 'And shall, afore I have done, young man, Gwenny answered laughing; 'you come in here with they red chakes, and make us think o' sirloin. 'Eat up your bit of brown bread, Gwenny. It is not good enough for your mistress.

And then I was so glad at having my own Lorna once again, cleared of all contempt for us, and true to me through all of it, that I would have forgiven Gwenny for treason, or even forgery. "I trusted her so much," said Lorna, in her old ill-fortuned way; "and look how she has deceived me! "Well, I am not so sure of that. I think I could tell any lie, to have you, darling, all my own." "Yes.

I think the women ought to be the watch, because they have had no travelling. Where do you suppose little Gwenny is?" "Surely not gone to Glen Doone?" I was not sure, however: for I could believe almost anything of the Cornish maiden's hardihood. "No," replied Lorna, "although she wanted even to do that. But of course I would not hear of it, on account of the swollen waters.

And so indeed it came to pass. Even at this length of time, I can hardly tell it, although so bright before my mind, because it moves my heart so. The sledd was at the open door, with only Lorna in it; for Gwenny Carfax had jumped out, and hung back in the clearing, giving any reason rather than the only true one that she would not be intruding.

But this evening, they had thought it needless to remain on guard; and it would have been impossible, because themselves were busy offering high festival to all the valley, in right of their own commandership. And Gwenny said that nothing made her so nearly mad with appetite as the account she received from a woman of all the dishes preparing. Nevertheless she had answered bravely,

Gwenny was famed for her imitation of the Counsellor making a speech; and she began to shake her hair, and mount upon a footstool; but I really could not have this, though even Lorna ordered it.

For I did not wish to commit myself to an opinion about Simon, lest I might be wrong, and Lorna think less of my judgment. But being resolved to see this out, and do a good turn, if I could, to Gwenny, who had done me many a good one, I begged my Lorna to say not a word of this matter to the handmaiden, until I had further searched it out.

Now when the young maidens were gone for we had quite a high dinner of fashion that day, with Betty Muxworthy waiting, and Gwenny Carfax at the gravy and only mother, and Tom, and I remained at the white deal table, with brandy, and schnapps, and hot water jugs; Squire Faggus said quite suddenly, and perhaps on purpose to take us aback, in case of our hiding anything, 'What do you know of the history of that beautiful maiden, good mother?

'Darling Lizzie, how good you are! I cried, without noticing her sneer; 'tell me all about it, dear; tell me every word she said. 'That will not take long, said Lizzie, quite as unmoved by soft coaxing as by urgent cursing; 'the lady spoke very little to any one, except indeed to mother, and to Gwenny Carfax; and Gwenny is gone with her, so that the benefit of that is lost.