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Sago Sago grad you come good fellow to drink Santa Cruz, wid Nick." "How do, Mike!" exclaimed the other, looking at the Tuscarora with astonishment, for this was positively the first red man the Irishman had ever seen. "How do Mike! Ould Nick be ye? well ye look pretty much as I expected to see you pray, how did ye come to know my name?" "Nick know him know every t'ing.

The filet was done to a turn, and there was just enough seasoning on the mushrooms. As for the grilled potatoes, even Hannah herself couldn't have improved upon them. An old Harvard "grad" came over from the next table and greeted Uncle Tom Curtis, telling him he did not look a day older than when he was in college, and in spite of his gray hairs Uncle Tom Curtis seemed to believe it.

In his later days he was one of the leading members of the literary society of Edinburgh. Philosopher and historian, was b. at Aldowrie, Inverness-shire, s. of an officer in the army and landowner, ed. at Aberdeen, whence he proceeded to Edinburgh to study medicine, in which he grad. in 1787. In the following year he went to London, where he wrote for the press and studied law, and in 1791 he pub.

In 1825 he went to Edin. to study medicine, but was more taken up with marine zoology than with the regular curriculum. After two years he proceeded to Camb., where he grad. in 1831, continuing, however, his independent studies in natural history. In the same year came the opportunity of his life, his appointment to accompany the Beagle as naturalist on a survey of South America.

American historian, b. at Worcester, Massachusetts, and after grad. at Harvard, studied in Germany, where he became acquainted and corresponded with Goethe, Hegel, and other leaders of German thought. The work covers the period from the discovery of the Continent to the conclusion of the Revolutionary War in 1782.

Then one morning each received a bulky official envelope bearing the imprint of the War Department at Washington. How their eyes glistened, then moistened, as each young West Point grad. drew out of the envelope the parchment on which was written his commission as a second lieutenant of United States infantry. More, their request had been granted.

Fleming," he remarked. "It's that sort of thing that makes college worth while. I'll wager those are seniors, who already feel a little heartache because their college years are so nearly over. I'm getting to be an old grad myself, but those songs still give me a twinge." "I understand that," said Sylvia.

He was a Princeton grad. and had gained quite some little fame as a member of the Tiger nine that swept Yale off its feet one great year. Besides Owen Dugdale, there were "Just" Smith, Thad Stevens, Hugh Morgan, Kenneth Kinkaid and Horatio Juggins in the bunch that started off from the school grounds in company, though they would presently break away as they neared their several homes.

Good to be grad. All Injin love to be grad." "Because I cannot say it with truth. No; I come of the Gentiles, and not of the Hebrews, else would I glory in saying I am a Jew, in the sense of extraction, though not now in the sense of faith. I trust the chiefs will not take offence at my telling them just what I think." "Tell you he don't care," returned Pigeonswing, a little crustily.

Grad to see you, Mike hope we live together like good friend, down yonder, up here, over dere." "Ye do, do ye! Divil burn me, now, if I want any sich company. Ould Nick's yer name, is it?" "Old Nick young Nick saucy Nick; all one, all to'ther. Make no odd what you call; I come." "Och, yer a handy one! Divil trust ye, but ye'll come when you arn't wanted, or yer not of yer father's own family.