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She was remarkable for her conversational powers, and was also an admirable letter-writer. Like the rest of her family she was a Unitarian. Biographer and critic, s. of an architect in London, grad. at Cambridge, entered the Church, and, after holding various minor preferments, became Master of the Temple.

"Give him back 'e beaver, if you no like he discovery. Grad to see 'em back, ag'in; skin higher price dan ever." "Nick, you're a cormorant, if there ever was one in this world! Here there is a dollar for you; the quit-rent is paid for this year, at least. It ought to be for the last time." "Let him go for all summer, cap'in. Yes, Nick wonderful commerant! no such eye he got, among Oneida!"

He was, however, induced to return, and grad. in 1749. The Church was chosen for him as a profession against his will be it said in justice to him. He presented himself before the Bishop of Elphin for examination perhaps as a type of deeper and more inward incongruencies in scarlet breeches, and was rejected.

For the first five days after the Chancellor had run aground, there was a dense black smoke continually rising from the hold; but it grad- ually diminished until the 6th of November, when we might consider that the fire was extinguished.

The Saucy Seven raised seven disgraceful-looking caps, but only one spoke. It was the biggest grad. "Why, we're honored. We had no idea who it was." "Oh, that's all right," answered the Englishman. "You know His Excellency goes camping for a day or two every year, just for the fun and fish and things." "Fish? Does he like fish?" asked Bob.

Uskub is a Smell on one side of which is built a prim little French town finished off with conventionally placed poplars in true Latin style; and on the other side lies a disreputable, rambling Turkish village culminating in a cone of rock upon which is the old fortress called the Grad.

I don't want any grad coaches. The directors seem divided, one half want this, the other half that. They've cut out the trainin' quarters. I've had no help from Murray; no baths or rub-downs or trainin' for my candidates. Here's openin' day a week off and I haven't picked my team. I want to take them to the trainin'-table and have them under my eye all the time.

"All right," came faintly across the distance, with a wave of the smart little cap, and a bright backward smile from the handsome Englishman. The Saucy Seven looked at each other, then the big grad simply expressed things in one explosive "Well!" "No, I don't think we'll move to-morrow," said one. "Move from here!" said another. "Well, I'm a frazzle," added a third.

And what made his condition of mind border on imbecility was a hurried whisper from Arthurs between innings: "Peg, don't pay the slightest attention to 'em fat-head grad. coaches." Practice days succeeding that were worse nightmares to Ken Ward than the days he had spent in constant fear of the sophomores.

Poet, s. of A. of Kinaldie in Fife. After grad. at St. Andrews, he studied law at Paris, became ambassador to the Emperor, and held other court offices. He appears to have been well-known to his literary contemporaries in England. He wrote poems in Latin, Greek, and English, and was one of the first Scotsmen to write in the last.