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Boy, dat was some fight; We fout ontell we was lak two game roosters both tired out, but still wantin' t' keep goin'. We jes' stan' dere, han's on each otha's shoulders, lookin' into each otha's eyes, blood runnin' down to our toes. Pretty soon he back off an' try to rush me. I side steps, an' gits in a lucky lick below de heart.

Brer Dick, he 'nounced dat dey wern't nuff money in de box; an' Brer Sim said if dey wern't he speck Brer Dick know'd whar it disappeared ter; an' den Brer Dick 'low'd dat he won't stan' no 'probusness, an' wid dat he haul off an' tuck Brer Sim under de jaw ker blap! an' den dey clinched an' drapped on de flo' an' fout under de benches an' 'mong de wimmen.

Why, Squire Doolittle, I’ve been at the whipping of two of them in one day clean built, snug frigates with standing royals and them new-fashioned cannonades on their quarters such as, if they had only Englishmen aboard of them, would have fout the devilWith this ominous word in his mouth Benjamin entered the church. “And fools who came to scoff, remained to prayGoldsmith.

He's fitten, an' he's fout an' proved hit" Molly Wingate kneeled by her cooking fire the following morning, her husband meantime awaiting the morning meal impatiently. All along the medley of crowded wagons rose confused sounds of activity at a hundred similar firesides. "Where's Little Molly?" demanded Wingate. "We got to be up and coming." "Her and Jed is off after the cattle.

It had probably never been off his body since he first put it on. "I am," said he, "an old man eighty-three years it is a long time to live; eighty-three years last . I have seen all the Injun varmints of the Rocky Mountains, have fout them lived with them. I have many children I don't know how many, they are scattered; but my wife was a Crow.

"I'se got sorter hard er heahin', Marse Gabriel, but dar's al'ays a tur'able lot er fuss gwine on w'en de chillen begin ter come up f'om de fields. 'T wuz becase uv oner dem ar boys dat I sont fur you," she pursued. "He went plum outer his haid yestiddy en fout wid a w'ite man down yonder at Cross's Co'nder, en dar's gwine ter be trouble about'n hit des ez sho' ez you live."

"I've alluz said," spoke another of the prisoners, "that this wuz a rich man's wah and a pore man's fout." "Well," said Shorty, philosophically, "for folks that like that sort o' fightin, that's the sort o' fightin' they like. I'm different. I don't. When I fight it's for something that I've got an interest in."

"What's abaout Reub?" asked Abner. "He's a goin intew a decline daown to the jail." "I wanter know! Poor Reub!" said Abner, compassionately. "He fout side o' me tew Stillwater, an Perez was t'other side. Perez done me a good turn that day, ez I shan't furgit in a hurry. Gosh, he'd take it hard ef he hearn ez haow Reub wuz in jail!

A Parisian and a boulevardier evidently, for he was singing gaily to himself that song of Aristide Bruant's, "La Noire," the well-known song of the 113th Regiment of the Line "La Noire est fille du canton Qui se fout du qu'en dira-t-on. Nous nous foutons de ses vertus, Puisqu'elle a les tetons pointus. Voil

But, bless your hearts, boys! he wa'n't anything to little Sammy Barlow, ez once crep' up inter the captain's stateroom on a Rooshin frigate, stabbed him to the heart with a jack-knife, then put on the captain's uniform and his cocked hat, took command of the ship and fout her hisself." "Wasn't the captain's clothes big for him?" asked B. Franklin Jenkins, anxiously.