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Deformed, swarthy, and ugly though she was, she drew herself up exultingly, whilst scores and scores of women, friends or acquaintances, scrambled and rushed upon her, pressing her hands or kissing her, and addressing her in words of ecstasy.

Why, it was the whole party from the house, as had come out to play at poachers! Who ever heard of such a game? Some on 'em got it hot, I reckon, in the new spinney yonder. But that was no matter. We've all had our skins full of rum punch, and a sov. apiece, because Squire says we proved ourselves good watch-dogs. And here," continued the old man, exultingly, "are a couple of sovs. for yourself.

When the man was beyond hearing, Bill said, exultingly: "Didn't I wool the fellow's eyes beautifully?" "It was well done, Bill, well done the best job you ever bossed. But say, do you know the man?" "No, not from the devil." "Well, sir, it's 'Squire Williams, sure's I'm a living son of my mother!" "'Squire Williams?" "Yes, it is.

The wolf uttered a fierce howl and expired. "Hang me, if I haven't floored you, any how," said he, exultingly, as he proceeded to reload his gun with as much expedition as possible. But the other wolves, so far from being alarmed at the fate of their comrade, seemed to quicken their pace towards the position of Joe.

It was a race for a wife, and several onlookers in the gallery braved the minister's displeasure to see who won. Those who favoured Sam'l's suit exultingly saw him leap the stream, while the friends of Sanders fixed their eyes on the top of the common where it ran into the road. Sanders must come into sight there, and the one who reached this point first would get Bell.

We were entirely at the mercy of our assailants. They leaped at us, brandishing their weapons, and yelling exultingly. "Coligny! Coligny" I shouted in defiance. Crash! I was down, and almost immediately afterwards the noise and the shouting died away. I was dimly conscious of some one bending over me, and then knew no more. I opened my eyes in a small room almost bare of furniture.

To Hugo it seemed they must be lost; but, when darkness fell, they had reached the edge of the Isle of Axholme, and, putting the horses through the Don, were safe in its marshy wastes. "Here be no keepers and rangers," said Humphrey, exultingly. "And here may we kill and eat what we choose, while Fleetfoot may hunt for himself.

For it was very fine, there could be no doubt of that, whatever Zabastes might say to the contrary, and it was not only fine, but intensely, humanly pathetic, seeming to strike a chord of passion such as had never before been sounded, a chord to which the world would be COMPELLED to listen, yes, COMPELLED! thought Theos exultingly, as Sah-luma drew nearer and nearer the close of his dictation ... The deep quiet all around was so heavy as to be almost uncomfortable in its oppressiveness, it exercised a sort of strain upon the nerves ...

He was very rich." "Well, you can talk just like us," said Jean Lafitte admiringly, "even if you have lost all." "Of course," said I exultingly. "Why not? I think as you do. As much as you I am disgusted with the dulness of life. I, too, wish to seek my fortune. Well then, why not, John Saunders? Why not, James Henderson?" Ah, now indeed illusion halted!

The Colonel exultingly wrote, "By tolerable management I got possession of Faneuil Hall, the School of Liberty, from the Sons thereof, without force, and thereby secured all their arms": about four hundred had been recently placed there to be cleaned. Such was the day, so long looked forward to, of the landing of the King's troops.