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"Then your grace thinks to settle down on the estate," he exultingly said. "How can I settle down on my estate," replied Zbyszko, "when I challenged those Knights of the Cross, and even before that, I challenged Lichtenstein. De Lorche said that the Master would invite the king to visit Torun.

The two grown-up women were standing behind her, with faces in which there was no joy whatever when Felicia exultingly told him: "Why, have not you heard? General Santa Anna has beaten your gringo army all to pieces. The United States fleet is coming to Vera Cruz with another army, and the American soldiers will not dare to come on shore.

Stretching forth her trembling fingers as she spoke, the old creature shook them exultingly before her face, and fumbling in her pocket, brought out an old time-discoloured tin snuff-box, from which she shook a few grains into the outstretched palm of her companion, and a few more into her own.

"But that does not prevent you from wishing me joy at my return to a bachelor's life," exclaimed Gentz, laughing. "Yes, my friend, I am free; life is mine again, and now let the flames of pleasure close again over my head let enjoyment surround me again in fiery torrents, I shall exultingly plunge into the whirlpool and feel as happy as a god!

But let thy voice reach my ear through this narrow passage, and answer what I ask. 'Ah, blessed spirit, said the priest, exultingly, and obeying the suggestion of Nydia, 'save me, and I will sell the very cups on the altar to pay thy kindness. 'I want not thy gold I want thy secret. Did I hear aright? Canst thou save the Athenian Glaucus from the charge against his life?

"My friend why, sir, here is your julep." "To hell with your julep, sir!" "My friend," said Blount, flushing, "you serve me right. I am forgetting my duties as a gentleman. I ask you into my house." "I'll see you damned first," said Eddring, hotly. "Right!" cried Blount, exultingly. "You're right. You're one of the fighting Eddrings, just like your daddy and your uncle, sure as you're born!

Men of that generation did not age soon, Monsieur," said the Count, expanding his fine chest and laughing exultingly. "He married, en secondes noces, a lady of still higher birth than the first, and with a much larger dot.

Let me hasten forward to describe the turbid stream in which I had to wade but let me exultingly declare that it is passed my soul holds fellowship with him no more.

While Courschid is descending the secret stairway to leave the citadel, Mohammed All and his warriors are ascending the hill in triumph, marching to the strains of stirring military music. The garrison of the fortress lay down their arms, and all cry, exultingly: "Long live Mohammed Ali, our new viceroy!"

Charles; now you are finely caught," cried Julia exultingly. "Well, be it so. With me fear is very natural, and I can almost persuade myself love also." "I hope you are not a coward, Charles Weston. A cowardly man is very despicable. I could never love a cowardly man," said Julia, laughing.