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Examining impartially the qualities of this clever boy, it was impossible not to recognize that he was not wanting in merit. His character was in the main inclined to uprightness, and noble actions awakened a frank admiration in his soul.

"There was one reason, father," said Rose, blushing, "there was one reason, and only one, why I wished to have gone to this ball." "Well, let us hear it. You shall do as you please, I promise you beforehand. But tell us the reason. I believe you have found it somewhere at the bottom of that snow-drop, which you have been examining this last quarter of an hour.

'He almost knocked me down this morning, and I am not conscious of having done anything to offend his worship. His companion in the dingy Bloomsbury studio, where they were both at work, also put down palette and brush, examining the canvas before him with a keen, cheerful air. 'Perhaps he loathes mankind, as I did yesterday. 'And to-day it's all right? 'Well, come and look.

In clear view at the front was a tall man in scarlet chlamys, and two more in white,—Pausanias and his seers examining the entrails of doves, seeking a fair omen for the battle. Mardonius drew the turban lower over his eyes. “An end to this truce. Begin your arrows.” A cloud of bolts answered him. The Persian archers emptied their quivers.

Well, no possession equals the dream of it! Sleep on, my lord! you would be restless enough if you were to get all you want. For the next three days, Lord Vargrave was employed in examining the general outlines of the estate; and the result of this survey satisfied him as to the expediency of the purchase. On the third day, he was several miles from the house when a heavy rain came on.

By examining this membrane we have come to know the very species that does the mischief the micrococcus diphtheriticus." The conversation was naturally a little disagreeable to Phillida, who now rose to depart without making reply. She went over and shook hands with Mrs. Beswick, partly from an instinctive kindness, judging from her speech that she was a stranger in New York.

Examining it more closely, she saw that the stationary part of the compass had been placed on the spot where stood the building which contained the Professor's studio. She paid closer attention to the pencil mark and observed that it passed through the Treasury building. "Don't look at that map!" shrieked the Professor, beating the air with his hands. "I asked you to bring it to me.

Then Moorehouse approached Brennan with its fellow in his grasp, and the Lieutenant crossed over, and stood beside me. "Here is the gun, Wayne," he said, "and I sincerely hope you have changed your decision. There is no mercy in Brennan's eyes." "So I notice," I answered, taking the derringer from him, and examining it with some curiosity, "but I shall do as I said, nevertheless.

"Where is the snake?" As he put these questions, he kept examining Truey from head to foot, as if expecting to see a reptile twined around some part of her body. "The snake, Jan! Did you not see it? It was just there, at our feet; but now see! yonder it is. The secretary has got it. See! They are fighting! Good bird! I hope it will punish the villain for trying to rob my pretty weavers.

Mrs Morgan was busy with her ferns, and she did not look up as her husband approached. She went on with her occupation, examining carefully what withered fronds there might be about her favourite maidenhair, even when he stopped by her side. Though her husband's shadow fell across the plants she was tending, Mrs Morgan, for the first time in her married life, did not look up to welcome the Rector.