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Updated: August 21, 2024

"Sure an me feet got so mixed oup that I wondher I didn't drap ye entoirely." "If ye had, Clancy," said the man named Cass, grimly, "I reckon as how the Colonel would have drapped you." At the foot of a narrow ravine, leading forth into the broader valley, we came to a covered army wagon, to which four mules had been already attached.

Some man chased off 'n the face of the yearth, hid out from the law, that's the way Meddy takes it, he hed clomb the tree, an' it bein' holler, he drapped down inside it, thinkin' o' course he could git out the way he went in. But, no! It monght hev been deeper 'n he calculated, or mo' narrow, but he couldn't make the rise.

And I'm glad of it, for if there ever was a scoundrel on the face of the earth he's the man. I drapped in town today to see if there was any news goin' on, an' I bucked up agin it the first off-start. That's what I call keepin' things lively. Mr. Warren, our cousin Jerry was over at the house last night." "The deuce you say!" Warren exclaimed.

"I war a-blackberryin', thar bein' only a few lef' yit, an' I went fur an' furder yit from home; an' ez I kem out'n the woods over yon," half rising, and pointing with a free gesture, "I viewed or yit I 'lowed I viewed the witch-face through a bunch o' honey locust, the leaves bein' drapped a'ready, they bein' always the fust o' the year ter git bare.

Livingstone was prejudiced, John Jr. might also be somewhat biased, so he would not yet make up his mind; but on one thing he was resolved she should be invited, and for fear of contingencies, he would carry the card himself. Accordingly, on his return home, Nero was closely questioned, and negro-like, called down all manner of evil upon himself "if he done drapped the note any whar.

I'm weel convinced Gabriel drapped the roughies in the water on purpose; he doesna like to see ony body do a thing better than himsell. 'Ay, said another, 'he's sair shamed o' himsell, else he would have been up here the night; Gabriel likes a little o' the gude thing as weel as ony o' us. 'Is he of this country? said Brown.

"I haven't doubted that a moment since I knew she did it," said Bellamy quietly. "Glad to hear it. I be'n misjudgin' you, seh, but you're a white man afteh all. Well, you know the rest of the story: how she held up the stage, how Jack drapped in befo' our tracks were covered, how smart he worked the whole thing out, and how my little gyurl confessed to him to save me." "Yes, I know all that."

She tossed a morsel of meat to the expectant Mike; then added shyly, "An' so be I." "Well, I certainly 'drapped," laughed Donald. "It looked as though all the dogs south of the Mason-Dixon line had gathered to give Mike and me a warm, if not cordial, welcome, so we didn't stop to knock before coming in."

"Well, no tellin' what's goin' to happen when a feller gits to thinkin'. What's the matter with yo' coat-tail?" "Was a settin' on a stump, drapped off to sleep an' the calf chawed it." "I do wish you two would hush yo' foolishness," said Margaret. "How's yo' mother, Laz." "Give her some interestin' news, Laz," said Starbuck. "Tell her the old lady ain't expected to live."

I'd say you hadn't a chance in a thousand. You played yore hand fine, keelin' over so's he'd come clost enough for you to get a crack at him. At that, he'd maybe 'a' got you if I hadn't drapped in." "Yes," said Sanders. He walked across to the corral fence, where Joyce sat huddled against the lower bars. She lifted her head and looked at him from wan eyes out of which the life had been stricken.

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