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It was childish, but bearing upon it an inexpressible look of half-sad dignity, that stirred a man's heart to its profoundest depths. Her hair hung in wavy dishevelment about her head and shoulders, and she clung passionately to the child in her arms. The Scotch Preacher had said, "Well Anna?" She looked up and replied: "They were going to take my baby away."

All the places opened on to the roads like streets; and to go across country was a sore ordeal, as one had to uncomfortably cross roughly upturned crop-land, and every few hundred yards roll under a line of barbed wire about a foot from the ground, at the risk of reefing one's clothes and the certainty of dishevelment.

Among them, of course, was the widow Lynch, who was quick to note that events were taking a favourable turn. Springing boldly to the side of the smith, and, in her wild dishevelment of hair and attire, seeming a not unfit companion, she cried "Don't spare them, John! sure there's another inimy close at yer back."

By this time Helgerson had come up with the furnace men, a motley crew in all stages of Sunday-morning dishevelment, and armed only as a mob may arm itself at a moment's notice. Caleb, the veteran, looked the squad over with a slow smile gathering the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. "You boys'll have to make up in f'erceness what-all you're lacking in soldier-looks," he observed mildly.

She stood up in her ravishing dishevelment, with that mantle of gold he had worshipped streaming about her to her knees, and she laughed? Yes, she laughed a mad sort of laugh; a laughter of fear, perhaps but laughter. So he did not kill them. Her laughter the man's cowardice saved them. He turned. He closed the door. He left them. He went out into the night."

And having knelt to kiss the rosy feet, he withdrew from the presence of his beloved, and the English girl turned on her face and sobbed, and then, gathering her cloak around her so as to hide the dishevelment of her raiment, passed to the roof above to hold conclave with the stars.

In large serpentine curves the road wound through a wood of small beech trees so small that in the November dishevelment the plantations were like brushwood; and lying behind the wind-swept opening were gravel walks, and the green spaces of the cricket field with a solitary divine reading his breviary.

The girl raised her face and looked at him. Finally, resolved to disregard the dishevelment wrought by tears, she presented a desperate front with her wet eyes and flushed cheeks. Her hair was disarrayed. "I don't see why you can call me a fool," she said. The pause before this sentence had been so portentous of a wild and rebellious speech that the professor almost laughed now.

Try it again," answered Tom, watching her as she went laughing away, looking all the prettier for her dishevelment. "Dress that girl up, and she 'd be a raving, tearing beauty," added Tom to Maud in a lower tone as he look her into the parlor under his arm.

She sprang back prettier than he had ever seen her in the dishevelment from where his embrace had dragged at her hair. "You mustn't," she cried, but there was enough of the conquering male in him to read easily into this a mere plating over her desire. "You can't hold me at arm's length any longer. You've maddened me for months. I love you. You love me. You do.