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'Oh, dunna look at me the like o' that, and dunna talk so stern, Ed'ard! 'I wasn't aware that I was stern. Edward's face was white. He looked down at her with an expression she could not gauge. For there, had come upon him, seeing her there again, so sweet in her dishevelment, so enchanting in her suppliance, the same temptation that tormented him on his wedding-day.

Her rapture was mated to such courteous restraint that dinginess and dishevelment were easily overlooked. "And 'ow marvellouz that is, that you 'appen to come juz' when he and us we're getting that news of the manu' " "What! accepted?" "Oh, that we di'n' hear yet! We only hear he's hear' something, but we're sure tha'z the only something he can hear!" She had begun to close the gate, but Mrs.

Several robust ladies attracted me; but which was America and which Pocahontas was a mystery; for all affected much looseness of costume, dishevelment of hair, swords, arrows, lances, scales, and other ornaments quite passe with damsels of our day, whose effigies should go down to posterity armed with fans, crochet needles, riding whips, and parasols, with here and there one holding pen or pencil, rolling-pin or broom.

Meanwhile Murazov sat gazing in silence at the unwonted spectacle of a man who had lately been mincing with the gait of a worldling or a military fop now writhing in dishevelment and despair as he poured out upon the hostile forces by which human ingenuity so often finds itself outwitted a flood of invective.

The castle itself, for all its natural arrogance and menace, had something pleasant in its aspect looked at from this small eminence, where the garden did not display its dishevelment and even the bedraggled bower seen from the rear had a look of trim' composure.

Lord Castlemallard was there in the place of honour, next to jolly old General Chattesworth, and the worthy rector, Doctor Walsingham, and Father Roach, the dapper, florid little priest of the parish, with his silk waistcoat and well-placed paunch, and his keen relish for funny stories, side-dishes, and convivial glass; and Dan Loftus, that simple, meek, semi-barbarous young scholar, his head in a state of chronic dishevelment, his harmless little round light-blue eyes, pinkish from late night reading, generally betraying the absence of his vagrant thoughts, and I know not what of goodness, as well as queerness, in his homely features.

I'm going to carry you away for my little moon-flower wife." She sprang back prettier than he had ever seen her in the dishevelment from where his embrace had dragged at her hair. "You mustn't," she cried, but there was enough of the conquering male in him to read easily into this a mere plating over her desire. "You can't hold me at arm's length any longer. You've maddened me for months.

She half sat up, a frail, exhausted little figure, whose grace was strangely appealing through all her sandy dishevelment. "Some water for washing," he stammered. "You're very thoughtful." "I'll have to beg your pardon," he blurted, for Burroughs was no squire of dames. "I thought you were a little girl and spoke to you as if "

He himself had an air of slight dishevelment, as though his ideas had been blown about by a rude wind. "I remember Mr. Morton spoke to me your guardian, of course. You should answer properly. But still, surely you have been taught some religious instruction. You say your prayers, don't you?" "No." He added after a moment of sudden, vivid recollection: "Not now." It was nothing short of a debacle.

Only, whether because my trespassing worried me or because I felt my own dishevelment more acutely, the lack of sleep and the strain upon me increased as I pursued those last hundred yards, until I came out suddenly from behind a screen of rosebushes upon a large lawn, and at the end of it there was a French country house with a moat round it, such as they often have, and a stone bridge over the moat.