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One day wid Captain Whiskey I wrastled a fall, But, t'aix, I was no match for the Captain at all, Though the landlady's measures they wor damnably small But I'll thry him to morrow when I'm sober. "Come," said the child, "lie down here on the straw; my poor mammy says we'll get clane straw to-morrow; and we'll be grand then."

Neither is this disaster to be feared but in adventures where the soul is over-extended with desire or respect, and especially where we meet with an unexpected opportunity that requires a sudden and quick despatch; and in these cases, there is no possible means for a man always to defend himself from such a surprise as shall put him damnably out of countenance.

"Smoothson," said he, "the last time we were attacked on this very road, you behaved damnably. See that you do better this time, or it may be the worse for you. You have pistols to-night about you, eh? Well, that's right! And you are sure they're loaded? Very well! Now, then, if we are stopped, don't lose a moment. Jump down, and fire one of your pistols at the first robber.

'But the worst of it is that every one around me is so damnably jealous. It isn't what I've lost that will crush me, but what men will say that I've lost. Ever since I began to stand for Westminster there has been a dead set against me in the City. The whole of that affair of the dinner was planned, planned, by G , that it might ruin me.

At all events, people think you so; and that's all that's important in the question. Why, man, you are looking as young as ever, only a little paler and thinner; but look at me I am not very much past thirty, and I am almost an old man; bald at the temples, crows' feet, too, eh! Idleness ages one damnably." "Pooh, Lumley, I never saw you look better. And are you really come to settle in England?"

"Divers false and perverse people," so runs the act De Heretico comburendo, "of a certain new sect, damnably thinking of the faith of the sacraments of the church, and of the authority of the same, against the law of God and of the church, usurping the office of preaching, do perversely and maliciously, in divers places within the realm, preach and teach divers new doctrines, and wicked erroneous opinions, contrary to the faith and determination of Holy Church.

"I have only the haziest information as to what it is all about, but somehow" McNorton knit his brows in a frown and was speaking half to himself "I seem to feel that it is a bad business a damnably bad business." He took up his hat from the table and walked to the door. "I don't know whether to say au revoir or good-bye," he said with twitching lips.

After all, there are plenty of jobs you can do that want doing simply shouting to be done." "Pammie dear, it's worse than I've said. I'm a low creature. I don't only want to do jobs that want doing: I want to count, to make a name. I'm damnably ambitious. You'll despise that, of course and you're quite right, it is despicable. But there it is.

I must go home now." In taking leave of the men she asked if she could hope to find them here again the next day. "The full moon will make it damnably light," replied the father, "but they will scarcely venture to assail the right of asylum, and the ships anchored according to regulation at Tanis, with a cargo of wood from Sinope.

Pryor's face reddened, but Laddie was laughing so heartily he joined in sort of sickly-like. "Oh I doubt if you are so damnably calm!" he cried. "I'm CALM enough, so far as that goes," said Laddie. "I'm not denying that I've got about all the heartache I can conveniently carry." "Do you mind telling me how far this affair has gone?"