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He stood before me for a moment, with the frame of the doorway and a background of darkness enclosing him like a portrait. His slight, mean figure was draped in the deepest mourning. He had a pair of black gloves in his hand, and his hat with crape round it. When he was not speaking his face showed signs of agitation; his mouth was puckering and working. He looked damnably wicked and frightened.

"The Duchess has just won prodigiously at quinze from the Abbé Délille, who hates damnably to lose," whispered Ségur to Calvert, "and, having won, she stopped the game in the best of humors." "Alas, Madame!" said Mr. Morris, in answer to the Duchess, "I have not had the pleasure of seeing Madame de Flahaut, but am just from the Club de Valois.

"You may see me as I am." he returned, doggedly. "And a most damnably unpleasant sight it is." Schuyler wheeled. "You go too far," he said, threateningly. "Too far?" repeated Blake. "Impossible.... I wish to see you alone if you, and this woman dare." She, smiling, bowed, graciously. "By all means," she agreed, easily. "No!" cried Schuyler. "Stay where you are." She shook her head.

He's only making things worse for himself by holding out and refusing. Jerrold will never be any good till he has taken it. Till he's suffered damnably." "I don't want him to suffer. I don't want it. I can't bear him to bear it." "He must. He's got to." "I'd do anything to save him. But I can't." "You can't. And you mustn't try to. It would be the best thing that could happen to him."

I've never forgotten I'm your wife. I've got a little self-respect left yet, if I was weak enough to grasp at the straw you threw me in the beginning. I was honest with you then. I'm trying to be honest with you now." "I know, Stella," he said gently. "I'm not throwing mud. It's a damnably unfortunate state of affairs, that's all. I foresaw something of the sort when we were married.

"Just tell me one thing did you never miss me?" "Oh, damnably!" he brought out with sudden bitterness. She came nearer, sinking her voice to a low whisper. "It's the only time I ever really cared all through!" He had risen too, and they stood intensely gazing at each other. Moffatt's face was fixed and grave, as she had seen it in hours she now found herself rapidly reliving.

Last evening we had a long literary and philosophical conversation with Monsieur S . He is rather remarkably well-informed for a man of his age, and seems to have very just notions on ethics, etc., though damnably perverted as to religion. It is strange to hear philosophy of any sort from such a boyish figure.

Many thanks for your laborious and, I fear, wholly futile attempts to keep me in the much too narrow way. Yours, Bernard looked up from the note with such fiery eyes that Ralston who was on the verge of a scathing remark himself had to stop out of sheer curiosity to see what he would say. "A damnably cruel and heartless woman!" said Bernard with deliberation.

"You are so intense, Perry," he continued after a moment, "so very, damnably intense that I confess I grow a little fearful lest you be disappointed, and therefore take the liberty to annoy you with my dismal croakings, if I may shall I proceed?" "Pray do, sir!"

"Never so sober in my life, Quinny. Besides, I don't get drunk. People who talk about beer and whisky as much as I do, never get drunk. Come along, there's a good chap!" "Very well ... only I'm not going to stay long. I'm no good for work the day after I've had a long night...." "I won't keep you long. How did the supper-party go off?" "Damnably.