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Updated: August 27, 2024

"Dake von more drink, and dell me, of you please, vot de hell you vos drying to get at. Capt. Hemrech, gif der shendleman a glass of beer." A second glass of beer was given me, and I drank it. There was evidently a suspicion on the part of the New Jersey officers that the importance of my visit had been over-rated by them, and they seemed anxious to have me come to the point.

Heinzman was trembling violently as though from a chill. "Dake me somewheres," he whispered hoarsely. "Somewheres quick. I haf broke quarantine, and dey vill be after me." "The place for you is at your own house," said Orde, his anger rising. "What do you mean by coming here and exposing my house to infection?"

Several went after him, and he was caught in the middle of an adjoining cornfield, where a rough-and-tumble scuffle ensued, with poor Hans at the bottom of the heap. "Hi, git off, kvick!" he gasped. "Dis ton't been no footsball game nohow! Git off, somebody, und dake dot knee mine mouth out of!" "Are you warm, now, Hansy!" asked Tom.

I feel dot your human sympathy and kindness vill be a great help to me, and somehow I dake him as an earnest dot Gott vil be kind to me too." "Oh, Mr. Fleet!" he continued, as Dennis rose to go, "how much I owe to you! I vas in hell on earth ven you came. I vould haf been in hell beneath before morning.

"'Oh, so that is how they are going to work, is it? cried Maxime. 'They are not up to much, that pair "'It makes not, said the banker, 'bay dem, for dey may apply demselfs to oders pesides, und do you harm. I dake dees bretty voman to vitness dot I haf baid you dees morning, long pefore dat writ vas serfed."

But that was all the fault he found, and presently the hole in the dungeon wall, caused by the removal of the safe with a painted canvas on it to represent stones, was filled by some boards taken from a fence used in a rural love drama. "I say now, dot's not right!" spluttered Mr. "Dot's not right, Pop. You dake our fence avay, und vat I goin' t' lean on ven I makes eyes at Miss Dixon?

"I got a pair of slippers for dot," answered Hans. "How many dress suits you vos dake along, hey?" "Oh, about seven," answered Tom, carelessly. "You ton't tole me dot, Tom! Maybe I haf to puy some more, hey?" "Well, I shouldn't not just yet," answered Dick. "Wait till the new fall styles come out.

"I b'lieve my head'll burst!" he complained. "Leave that soda-caffeine be." He would never forget Runnel with his everlasting pain; or Dake, who lived by scaring women.... Great audiences and roses, and the roar of applause. He heard it now. Harry Baggs returned to the Nursery, where, with his visions, his sense of justification, he was happy among the fields of plants.

"Hold it up straighter, Hans!" said Songbird. "Don't shoot somebody." "If I hold him ub I burn mineselluf worser!" groaned the German youth. "Here, you dake him, Sam, I got enough." "No, no, Hans, I won't deprive you of the pleasure of shooting it off," answered the youngest Rover, and skipped out of the way. One after another the balls, red, white and blue, poured from the Roman candle.

"You say give or dake I say give." With the best face it was possible to put upon the matter, Jonathan, who could not back out, took the three thousand dollars, and, for that sum, signed away, on the spot, all right, title, and claim to benefit in the business, from that day henceforth and for ever.

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