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Gross?" inquired the detective, laughing in spite of himself at the little fellow's distress. "Vell, I'll told you," he answered, mopping the perspiration which was streaming from his face. "I was tinkin' dot may be if you git dot fellow, you vould be vantin' me for a vitness, and s'help me Moses I vould not do dot not for dwo hundred tollar."

"'Oh, so that is how they are going to work, is it? cried Maxime. 'They are not up to much, that pair "'It makes not, said the banker, 'bay dem, for dey may apply demselfs to oders pesides, und do you harm. I dake dees bretty voman to vitness dot I haf baid you dees morning, long pefore dat writ vas serfed."

Nefer py vhite man vitness, you schall say, pefore fife unt seex yare pass-gone, unt by pushmen diminutive nomber unt platty few altogedder. Bot der localisation-topography unt der route you schall py der map mit you gross magnanimity indicate, unt Gott pless! Tousand pig tank you, Mr. Tongcollin! For von trifle-moment, you ver munificent reprieve"

'Don't let your sense o' vitness break out in such uproar, for heaven's sake, or folk will surely think you've been laughing at the lady and gentleman. Well, here's at it again Night t'ee, Michael. And the hostler went on with his sweeping.

"Oh, my lord, let's get out of this!" He was making for the door when the Baron seized his arm. "Vait!" he cried. "Ze danger is past! Ach, vas I not brave? Did you not hear me speak to him? You can bear vitness how brave I vas, eh?" "I'll not swear I heard just exactly what passed, my lord. Man, I'll own I was awful feared!" "Tuts! tuts!" said the Baron kindly. "Ve vill say nozing about zat.