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She shall be no saint, I warrant you, but, for a sinner, a bonny lass and a merry. As a gentleman I deem this fair stratagem of war. If I were your own brother, the Saints have his soul in their keeping, I would still be of this counsel. Will you, my lad?" He looked so sad, and yet withal so comical, that I held out my hand to him, laughing.

But I do not wish to educate you on the Americans, but to entertain, to make you laugh by the recital of comical truths; so without system I am going to tell you of these Americans as I found them, day by day, month by month, officially, socially; in their homes, in politics, trade, sorrow, despair, and in their pleasures.

Very briefly Ella stated to him her plan of giving a large party as soon as a sufficient number of the village people had called. "You know you wish me to be sociable with them," she continued, as she saw the slightly comical expression of her husband's face; "and how can I do it better than by inviting them to my house?" "I am perfectly willing for the party," answered Mr.

Then Bob Trotter came in sight, all his pockets standing out with nuts. They called him. Sarah Ketchum explained the situation and asked him if he could milk. "I do the milkin' at 'ome," Bob replied. "Wont you please milk this cow for us? We don't know how, and we want the milk for dinner." There came a comical look into Bob's face, but he said nothing. The eight knew what his thoughts must be.

It made me pause to reflect whether I had not mistaken the house. This, however, seemed impossible. I renewed my questions. "A bachelor, say you? Are you not mistaken?" "No. It would be an odd thing if he was married. An old fellow, with one foot in the grave Comical enough for him to git a vife!" "An old man? Does he live alone? What is his family?" "No, he does not live alone.

They met on the Righi; and nothing is more comical than to near him describe the ladies' fraternization over female doctors and lawyers, till they rushed into each other's arms, and the Clio promised to come down on a crusade and convert you all." "There are two ways of telling a story," said Cecil. "No wonder the gentlemen quake!" said Mrs. Poynsett. "I don't," said Frank, boyishly.

What's that but a drop in the bucket when your big magnates accumulate millions upon millions?" "Well, me bhoy," laughed Barney, with a comical twist of his mug, "tin thousand will do for a nist egg. Wid thot for a nist egg, we ought to hatch out enough to kape us from becomin' objects of charity in our ould age."

He said this in so melancholy and yet comical a tone, that Reuben and I burst out laughing. We reminded him that our Indian friend had promised to try and recover his beloved instrument, and by degrees he regained his spirits. The weather continued fine, and the water smooth as before.

And there he sat twisting and craning himself about, and screwing his features into combinations evincing the most comical perplexity. The captain, by the way of a bit of fun, pretended not to hear him. "Maintop, there," quoth he. The midshipman in the top answered him, "Ay, ay, sir." "Not you, Mr Reefpoint; the captain of the top I want."

She went out with bent head and a comical air of abject humility that left the room in a titter. The "Moderns" teacher frowned. Miss Gordon was irrepressible. Nevertheless, when she found herself passing down the wide echoing hall alone, the young lady was seized with misgivings. For which of her misdemeanors was she to be arraigned this time?