Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 16, 2024

As I stood lost in admiration of this drawing, I heard a rough voice behind me: "C'est bien beau, n'est pas?" It was Claude Monet. "Yes, isn't it superb?" I answered. "I wonder how much they'll sell it for." "I'll soon find out that," said Monet, and turning to the attendant he asked the question. "Pour vous, sept cents cinquante francs." "C'est bien; il est a moi."

As I had never heard of Gueret before, I requested my landlord to give me some information respecting it. “Why,” said he, with a most awful shrug of his shoulders, “it is where Louis the Fourteenth banished his petite noblesse, and is now filled with lawyers, who, as the town is small and the inhabitants are not numerous, go to law with each other to keep themselves, I suppose, in practice. Oh, you will find the roads rough and much out of order; we call it ‘un chemin perdu,’ and as the town is insignificant, and produces nothing, we call it ‘un endroit inconnu.’ I do not think,” added he, “there are more than cinquante cheminées

"That's the strongest wine I ever drank," said Grossbeck. "How much is it?" asked Lynch. "Let's see combien?" "Un franc cinquante centimes," replied the waiter, after he had glanced at a gauge on the decanter which indicated the quantity of the fiery fluid that had been consumed. Neither of them could understand the answer, and Grossbeck handed the garçon a franc.

'Now, gentlemen, what is bid? she is warranted, elle est gurantie, and sold by a very respectable citizen. 250 dollars, deux cent et cinquante dollars: why, gentlemen, what do you mean!

So I, very narrowly watching him out of half-closed eyes, held up my five fingers interrogatively, and said, 'Cinquante? meaning 'Dare you ask fivepence? At which he and all the peasants around, even including my guide, laughed aloud as at an excellent joke, and said, 'Cinquante, Ho! ho! and dug each other in the ribs.

[Footnote 3: In Siam the flesh of the crocodile is sold for food in the markets and bazaars, "Un jour je vis plus de cinquante crocodiles, petits et grands, attachés aux colonnes de leurs maisons. Ils es vendent la chair comme on vendrait de la chair de porc, mais

Je demandai s'il ténoit bien le pays et s'il savoit se faire obéir. On me dit qu'il étoit obéi et respecté comme Amurat lui-même, qu'il avoit pour appointemens cinquante mille ducats par an, et que, quand le Turc entroit en guerre, il lui menoit

"Ce côté de la dite chaîne consiste sur cinquante

One of the phrases always used in the business of charities and subscriptions in France has more than the intentional comedy of the farce- writer; one of the most absurd of his personages, wearying his visitors in the country with a perpetual game of bowls, says to them: "Nous jouons cinquante centimes les benefices seront verses integralement a la souscription qui est ouverte a la commune pour la construction de notre maison d'ecole."

Quant ... moi, je veux cinquante mille francs de rente, et alors." "But what about the General?" I interrupted. "The General? You know well enough that at about this hour every day he goes to buy me a bouquet. On this occasion, I took care to tell him that he must hunt for the choicest of flowers; and when he returns home, the poor fellow will find the bird flown.

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