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Updated: August 16, 2024

If I were to be ill myself, I should have Dr. Tuthill," said Hetty, in a tone meant to be very resolute and dignified, but only succeeding in being comical. The doctor bowed ceremoniously, replying: "I will be as frank as you are, Miss Gunn. As you say, 'of course' I understand that any apparent welcome which you extend to me is entirely for Mrs.

Dangerfield waited, and talked a little to Mrs. Sturk and the maid, who were now making preparations, in short sentences, by fits and starts of half-a-dozen words at a time. He had commenced his visit ceremoniously, but now he grew brusque, and took the command: and his tones were prompt and stern, and the women grew afraid of him. Ten o'clock came.

They untangled their hands where they had slipped tight together in the loop of the bridle rein as they had followed the rearing beast. "She has broken the girth," the young man said, lifting his hat ceremoniously and with a manner not born of life on the farm. He threw the stirrup over the top of the saddle and fished under the now quiet horse for her dangling surcingle.

After the officer in charge had inspected the Lord Chamberlain's card as if he had never seen one before, he ceremoniously indicated to a warden that the gates were to be opened. There was a great clanking of chains, the drawing of iron bolts, the whirl of a windlass, and the ponderous gates swung slowly ajar. Mr.

"Won't your Reverences be seated?" he added after a brief pause, moderating his tone a little. Capitan Tiago here appeared in full dress, walking on tiptoe and leading by the hand Maria Clara, who entered timidly and with hesitation. Still she bowed gracefully and ceremoniously. "Is this young lady your daughter?" asked the Captain-General in surprise.

Tressady followed him to the landing, called to the butler, who was still up, and ceremoniously told him to get Mrs. Watton a cab. Then he walked back to the drawing-room, and shut the door behind him. "Letty!" His tone startled her. She looked round hastily. "Letty! you were defending me as I came in." He was extraordinarily pale his blue eyes flashed.

I wondered if the Duchesse had been able to say anything to her. She did not speak at all and went straight to her room when we arrived. It was five minutes past eight when she came in to the sitting-room. "I am sorry if I have kept you waiting," were her first words. At dinner we spoke ceremoniously of the party.

"Yes," said Leonard, answering the half question, "it's a very necessary precaution, and I hope this small reduction will be sufficient." "Thankee very much, sir." Gaskin made a little bob and withdrew ceremoniously. Madden knew that Gaskin would continue to bob and thank as long as he had strength to do either. Reducing the rations was not a sudden impulse with Madden.

Baron Levy returns to London, and offers me a seat in his carriage, which is already, I believe, at your door. The duke and his daughter will readily forgive me if I do not ceremoniously bid them farewell. In our altered positions, it does not become me too intrusively to claim kindred; it became me only to remove, as I trust I have done, a barrier against the claim.

Be it understood that this Classic exercise is not to be ceremoniously regarded, nor classified, nor by me upheld as an example of Creative Art, but as the brightest pledge of homage æsthetically offered to a vital movement, essentially fundamental and wise; furthermore, must be allowed to occupy a position subsidiary to the works of the artists enumerated who evidently inspired it; unique and decidedly without an exact parallel in the inspired annals of modern phonetic literature; prefering at a more intimate examination to classify with it Professor C. Villiers Stanford's setting of the Te Deum and Jubilate in B flat works, easily gracing the "Summus Mons" of co-spiritual achievement; that impulse which selects, confirms, and then unites all the fair fibres of Art.

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