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"The captain, a tall, thin man, with blond whiskers, was walking along the bridge with an important air as if he were commanding the Indian mail steamer. "My father addressed him ceremoniously, and questioned him about his profession, adding many compliments: "'What might be the importance of Jersey? What did it produce? What was the population? The customs? The nature of the soil? etc., etc.

On His arrival in that town Prince Malik Qásim Mírzá ceremoniously received Him, and was even seen, on a certain Friday, when his Guest was riding on His way to the public bath, to accompany Him on foot, while the Prince’s footmen endeavored to restrain the people who, in their overflowing enthusiasm, were pressing to catch a glimpse of so marvelous a Prisoner.

And what bores these poor princes most is to receive and talk to people ceremoniously. This is almost a daily obligation. They call it for princes have their slang "performing the function." The Duke de Montpensier is the only one who performs it gracefully. One day the Duchess d'Orleans asked him the reason. He replied: "It amuses me." He is twenty years old, he is beginning.

Not neglecting to let it be known that Jethro had sent for him, Jake hurried off through the summer twilight to the tannery house, bowed ceremoniously to Cynthia under the butternut tree, and discovered Jethro behind the shed. It was usually Jethro's custom to allow the other man to begin the conversation, no matter how trivial the subject a method which had commended itself to Mr.

This was all the Colonel saw as he bowed profoundly and led the way into his office, for she accepted his salutations without lifting her head. He helped her gallantly to a chair, on which she seated herself sideways, somewhat ceremoniously, with her eyes following the point of her parasol as she traced a pattern on the carpet. A second chair offered to the mother that lady, however, declined.

"That will do," interrupted Satan, taking the violin from the little man, who bowed low and ceremoniously took his departure. Then the devil, pointing to the instrument, asked: "Isn't it a beauty?" The musician, eying it keenly, replied: "Yes, it is, but not the kind of violin I play on." "Oh, I see," carelessly observed the other, "you refer to that extra string."

Wrandall had ceremoniously introduced his lawyer, and as unceremoniously neglected to do as much for Smith. "This is Mr. Smith, I presume," said she, with a slight uplifting of her eyebrows. She took a chair facing the detective. "Yes, my dear," said her father-in-law. "Joseph Smith." "Benjamin, if you please," corrected Mr. Smith.

After coughing ceremoniously the old woman began with great care: "You know very well that by saying the Bendita sea tu pureza and the Señor mío Jesucristo, Padre dulcísimo por el gozo, ten years are gained for each letter " "Twenty!" "No, less!" "Five!" interrupted several voices. "A few years more or less make no difference.

Landini ceremoniously held his arm for her and Gerald saw them leave together with a lessened objection. Gerald had for some time past suspected that Landini was paying court to Mrs. Hawthorne. Whether the lady were aware of it he could not tell. Gerald had not believed the man had a chance, although, women being incalculable, one can never feel quite easy.

The beast delivered it ceremoniously into the hands of one of the guild, undoubtedly an ancestor of Señor Vicente, and hence for centuries his family had possessed the privilege of representing that amiable animal in the Valencian processions. Then he shook his mane, emitted a roar, and with blows and bites in every direction cleared the field instantly of Moors.