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He then turned hastily to the courier, who was standing near the opposite door, and was just bowing most ceremoniously to his majesty. "Hudelist, it is really you, then?" asked the emperor. "You left your post by the side of Metternich without obtaining my permission to come to Vienna? Could you not find any other man to bring your dispatches?

They left the third woman at the door and walked back a few steps down the road, then turned, and laying hand on breast, bowed ceremoniously, first the mother, then the daughter, who never lifted her eyes; another twenty steps and again the same performance; still once more, after which they slowly waddled round the corner.

The food is served on the low "sahniyeh," or tray, which forms the table, on which several flat loaves surrounded by little dishes of salad and other condiments, mark the places of the diners; but before eating, each person present ceremoniously washes his hands and mouth, a servant bringing in the copper "tisht wa abrīk," or jug and basin, kept for that purpose.

It was as though I had found my way behind a towering wall that now closed me in with a smile of contemptuous derision. There was no sound in the shining air and the only figure was a guard who moved monotonously up and down outside the Winter Palace. I rang the bell and the "Schwitzer," bowing very ceremoniously, told me the flat was on the second floor.

The Italian smiled again, as if this time he had read the boy's heart, without need of those piercing black eyes, and said, less ceremoniously than before, "You don't care much for compliments, young gentleman?" "No, I don't indeed," said Frank, heartily. "So much the better for you, since your way in the world is made: it would be so much the worse if you had to make it!"

Things were coming to a pretty pass, said I to myself when I was all alone. It certainly is a pretty pass when one knocks down the ex-husband and the brother of the woman he loves, and quite without the least suspicion of an inherited pugnacity. I had a little note from the Countess that afternoon, ceremoniously delivered by Helene Marie Louise Antoinette.

"Since you are not going to play any more," said the amiable gentleman, leaving his chair, "will you permit me to say a word to you?" Saniel bowed, and together they left the table. When they were far enough away to converse without disturbing the players, the gentleman bowed ceremoniously: "Permit me to present myself-Prince Mazzazoli." Saniel replied by giving his name and position.

One day it is 'for, another 'against. In this particular case it is diplomatically indifferent, except in one or two cases where papal money has found its way into the newspaper offices." At that moment the door was flung open, and Monsignor Del Fortis was ceremoniously ushered into the presence of his Majesty.

The deck sports were organized, ship tennis, quoits, and golf, and the disks rattled about his feet; but though he often moved his chair to aid those seeking a lost quoit or ring, and bowed ceremoniously to those who begged his pardon for bothering him, he kept his position. I felt a somber sense of gathering tragedy.

"Been playing in England?" the young man asked. Mr. Raymond Greene shook his head. "When I am on business," he explained, "I don't carry my sticks about with me, and I tell you this last fortnight has been a giddy whirl for me. I was in Berlin Wednesday night, and I did business in Vienna last Monday. Ah! here comes Miss Dalstan." He rose ceremoniously to his feet.