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"Ally," began the seaman, making a stopper of the end of his little finger "by the way, you ain't related, are you, to the famous Ally Babby as was capting of the forty thieves?" "No, nuffin ob de sort," replied Ali, shaking his head. "Well, no matter, you deserve to be; but that's neither here nor there.

Ye might say, on the side like, that the first burgoo eater what comes along the weather side o' the poop while I'm on deck will go over the rail. There's a-goin' to be some discipline aboard the hooker, or I'll well, there ain't no tellin' just what I won't do. I'm capting o' this here ship, an' ye might jest as well muster the men aft to hear the news."

Few men would have ventured to disobey the command given by such a man, but John Bumpus was one of those few. He did indeed remain silent for two seconds, but it was the silence of astonishment. "Capting," said he, seriously, "I don't mean no offence, but I'd have you to know that I engaged to work for you, not to hold my tongue at your bidding, d'ye see.

"Who is he, you ignorant crokidile! why, he's the capting of the Great Eastern, the commander o' the Big Ship, the Great Mogul o' the quarter-deck, the king o' the expedition. But, of course, you 'aven't bin introdooced to him. He don't associate much with small fry like us more's the pity, for it might do 'im good.

"Dat it war, sah, an' hit done us all a power ob good, too. Hev you ebber ben ter de school, Mr. Sheriff? No? wal, yer oughter; an' you, too, Capting. Dar's a little Yankee woman, Miss Mollie Ainslie, a runnin' ob it, dat do beat all curration fer managin' tings. I'd nebber'd got long so h'yer, not by no means, ez I hez, but fer her advice her'n an' 'Liab's, gentlemen.

Miss Sharp have a gone and run away with the Capting, and they're off to Gretney Green!" We would devote a chapter to describe the emotions of Mrs. Firkin, did not the passions of her mistresses occupy our genteeler muse. When Mrs.

I'll tell ye wot it is, capting, I never seed sich a place afore in all my born days. Why it's a slice out o' paradise. I do believe if Adam and Eve wos here they'd think they'd got back again into Eden.

"We'll have to think about it!" replied the man. "We've got to think a bloomin' lot about it. I've talked to our side, an' they're game." "Game for what?" I asked. "To go an' talk straight to the bloomin' Capting," he said, wagging his finger at me. "It's make tracks for the nearest bloomin' port, an' don't you make no bloomin' mistake."

"Do you ride short or long, capting?" inquired Tom, handling the stirrup-leather. David wore a puzzled look. "I ride as long as I can stick on;" and he trotted out of the stable-yard. As Tom had predicted, he caught the party just as they went off the turn-pike on to the grass. His heart beat with joy; he cantered in among them.

"`England expec's every man, etceterer," said Molloy, with a glance at Miles. "Capting, you may as well let us know your plans, so as we may work together." Miles was not long in making up his mind. "You'll fire at first by command," he said quickly, but decidedly; "then down on your faces flat, and load. After that wait for orders.