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Cutler and I had been talking horse when he came in; a sort of talk I rather like myself, for I consait I know a considerable some about it, and ain't above getting a wrinkle from others when I can. "Well," sais I, "Capting, we was a talking about horses when the doctor came in." "Captain," said the doctor, turning round to Cutler, "Captain, excuse me, Sir, how did you reach the shore?"

The mules struggle bravely along, though their ears are beginning to flap about any way, instead of being held straight and sharply pricked forward, and the encouraging cries of "Pull up, Capting! now then, Blue-bok, hi!" become more and more frequent: the driver in charge of the whips is less nice in his choice of a scourge with which to urge on the patient animals, and whacks them soundly with whichever comes first.

A boat full of people putting off from the shore!" "Mout it be the pinnace, Capting?" "No, Chips; it's some sort of native craft. Look for yourself." And he hands him the binocular. "Yer right, sir," says Seagriff, after a look through the glass. "A Feweegin canoe it air, an' I do believe they're Ailikoleeps. Ef so, we may look out for squalls."

"You kin bet your whole pile on what this Mrs. Capting Baxter ez used to be French Inez of New Orleans hez told ye. Ye kin take everything she's unloaded. And it's only doin' the square thing to her to say, she hain't done it out o' no cussedness, but just to satisfy herself, now she's a married woman and past such foolishness. But that ain't neither here nor there.

The pirut capting isn't a man of much principle and intends to kill all the people on bored the Sary and confiscate the wallerbles. The capting of the S.J. is on the pint of givin in, when a fine lookin feller in russet boots and a buffalo overcoat rushes forored and obsarves: "Old man! go down stairs! Retire to the starbud bulkhed! I'll take charge of this Bote!"

He does not hesitate, but seems to have something important to do, and to feel confidence in his ability to do it." "That's so, Capting," answered Phil, as, having got the boat about, he belayed the sheets and put the other hand to the helm; "he's a clever animal, he is. It seems to me that ar dog understands talk like a Christian.

"I say, capting," cried another strange voice, it also coming apparently from an invisible speaker, "why upon airth don't you put that impident critter off the boat? I'd do it in a jiffy if 'twas me." "You have my permission to do so, sir," returned the captain, "but perhaps he will go presently of his own accord."

"My son-in-law is employed in a bankin house where ev'ry American as comes to these shores goes to git his drafts casht, and he says that not one has arrived on these shores during the last 18 months as wasn't a Gen'ral, a Colonial, a Majer, a Capting, or a leftenant! This man, as I said afore, has deceeved you! He's a imposture!" I reeled into a chair. For a minit I was speechlis.

"Indeed! what induces you to expect them so confidently?" "Well, capting, I can't well tell 'ee, but I do, an' in the meantime I've come to thank 'ee for all yer kindness to Tottie an' me when we was in distress.

"Yis, Capting, thet's Sarmiento, an' nary doubt of it," pursues the old sealer. "I'd reck'noise thet mountin 'mong a millyun. "Why?" inquires the Captain, dubiously. "'Kase it ain't a bay at all; but the entrance to a soun' bearin' the name o' `Whale-Boat Soun'. An' thet's open water too, communicatin' wi' another known ez `Darwin Soun'' the which larst leads right inter the Beagle Channel."