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We all appreciate the odds. Cora has lots of friends. You'll never convict him, Milt; but go in again for another trial, if it will do yo're feelin's any good, with our best wishes. Only don't let gettin' licked make you so sore! Don't go buttin' yo're haid at yo're friends! Be a spo't!"

"Why, Rais! what ails you?" demanded Colonel Langley in surprise, not unmingled with anger, for he had, on leaving home, placed the interpreter in charge of his family in his suburban villa. "Oh! mass'r," said Ali piteously; "yous no know wat dangers me hab if de janissary cotch me. Life not wuth wone buttin." "Rascal!" exclaimed the Colonel, "did I not charge you to guard my household?

With his arm outflung the tramp staggered up to the foreman. "I come back to tell you that I'm going to live to get you right. I got a hunch that all hell can't beat out. I'll get you!" "We won't have any trouble," said Waring. High Chin whirled his horse round. "What's it to you? Who are you, buttin' in on this?" "My name is Waring. I used to mill around Sonora once." High Chin blinked.

His left ear was firmly grasped between the stranger's finger and thumb. The tough person released Pugsy, and, having eyed Smith keenly for a moment, made a dash for the stairs, leaving the guardian of the gate rubbing his ear resentfully. "He blows in," said Master Maloney, aggrieved, "an' asks is de editor in. I tells him no, an' he nips me by the ear when I tries to stop him buttin' t'roo."

"Yes," said Judge Harvey. The lieutenant twisted his derby in chagrined, ireful hands. "Some of my men have been damned fools again!" he exploded. He got himself back under control. "Judge Harvey, I hope you'll excuse our buttin' in like this and and won't find it necessary to mention it to the heads of the department." "It's it's all right," said the Judge. "And you, Mr. Mr.

"A' right," said Haley. "Friend o' Tim's, friend o' mine." "Here, young feller, you're too fresh!" cried the red-faced man, "buttin' in here! You make tracks, git out! Come, git out, I tell yeh!" "Give it to him quick," said Sam in a low voice. The red-faced man, without the slightest warning, swiftly stepped towards Cameron and, before the latter could defend himself, struck him a heavy blow.

It's go till one hollers enough; fa'r stand up, heel an' toe, no buttin' er gougin'. Fust man ter break them rules gits shot. Is that yore understandin', gentlemen. "How we get it, yes," assented Kelsey. "See you enforce it then, fer we're a-goin' to," concluded Jackson. He stepped back. From the opposite sides the two antagonists stepped forward.

Ain't business bad enough only four people in the house takin' baths regular without his buttin' in!" "Where's Mr. Moody?" "In the bath. I've locked up his clothes." "You give him a needle shower and a salt rub," I ordered, "and if he makes a fuss just send for me. And, Mike," I said, as he started out, "ask Mr. Van Alstyne to come out here immediately." That's the way it was all the time.

"Wal," said the other slowly, his mouth evidently loaded with tobacco, "I ain't never asked no questions since I wus made sheriff. I'm doin' whut the court says. Hell! thar's trouble 'nough in this job without my buttin' in on other people's business. But this is how it stacks up ter me.

No places to get off at in between, so far as I can dope out. It's just a case of buttin' right out into the Atlantic and keepin' on and on. We hadn't got past Scotland Lightship before the Agnes begins that monotonous heave-and-drop stunt. Course, it ain't any motion worth mentionin', but somehow it sort of surprises you to find that it keeps up so constant.