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One er dese yer biggity, braggin' niggers talks lack he own de whole county, an' ain't wuth no mo' d'n I is jes' a big bladder wid a handful er shot rattlin' roun' in it. Had a wife, when I wuz dere, an' beat her an' 'bused her so she had ter run away." This was alarming information. Wain had passed in the town as a single man, and Frank had had no hint that he had ever been married.

"Means a creek," said the Little Giant, "a creek mebbe a leetle bigger than them make-believe creeks we've crossed. I like the plains. They kinder git hold o' you with thar sweep an' thar freedom, but I ain't braggin' any 'bout thar water courses.

"The Gineral was takin' a ride with a southerner one day over his farm to Bangor in Maine, to see his crops, fixin mill privileges and what not, and the southerner was a turning up his nose at every thing amost, proper scorney, and braggin' how things growed on his estate down south.

It was jest like Dave Rollin to take a run from Wallen down this way to show what he could do alone, for he was always braggin' about bein' so stiddy on his sea-legs, and how't he understood this shore better'n any o' the old uns.

"Yu'll be broodin' over present grievances if yu don't look out, yu everlastin' nuisance yu," growled Lanky, planting his elbow in its former position with an emphasis which conveyed a warning. "These bantams ruflle my feathers," remarked Red. "They go around braggin' about th' egg they're goin' to lay an' do enough cacklin' to furnish music for a dozen.

"'If you heard I was lookin' for you, you sure heard what for, replied Blome. "'Blome, my experience with such men as you is that you all brag one thing behind my back an' you mean different when I show up. I've called you now. What do you mean? "'I reckon you know what Jack Blome means. "'Jack Blome! That name means nothin' to me. Blome, you've been braggin' around that you'd meet me kill me!

Say, son, I believe there's jest one thing you can do to keep me from goin' crazy." "Name it, Uncle Peter. You bet I'll do it!" "Well, it ain't much of course I wouldn't expect you to do all them things you was jest braggin' about back there about goin' to work the properties and all that you would do it if you could, I know but it ain't that.

"How do I know?" sez I. "I'm just goin' to knock around till I meet up with a business openin', an' then I 'm goin' to put my full might into it till I know the whole game." "I don't believe that's the way they do it," sez she. "These ones that I've heard braggin' about bein' business men don't look to me as if they ever did much knockin' around.

Some fellow, now, that wouldn't half'tend to his business, not more than half, and that hadn't legislative ability enough to carry on a precinct, let alone a county. You want a man of that kind, I suppose. That's what you're working for." "Tom," said one of the younger ones, "bring her out 'n' let's see her. You've been braggin' on her all day, but ye hain't let us see her."

Ranger," said he, breaking out of a silence. "The triangle outfit is holding more cattle on the forest than their permits call for." "How do you know?" "I heard one of the boys braggin' about it." "Much obliged," responded Ross. "I'll look into it." Edwards went on: "Furthermore, they're fixing for another sheep-kill over there, too; all the sheepmen are armed. That's why I left the country.