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Updated: August 11, 2024

I saw a Kaffir fire three shots from about thirty yards off. Bombardier Collins, 84th Battery Royal Field Artillery: 'When lying wounded near the guns after the Boers had been up to them I tried to raise a white flag as our own people were dropping their bullets close to us. When I did this they fired at me. So long as an excuse could be found for a brave enemy we found it.

'Anyways peaceful, or was you dodgin' the Coal-Boxes this time? 'Not a Coal-Box, or any other box, said the Bombardier, hammering a biscuit to fragments with a rifle-butt. 'An' I 'aven't 'ad a shell drop near me for a week. 'If we keeps on like this, said the Centre Driver, 'we'll get fancyin' we're back on Long Valley man-oovers. 'Wot you grousin' about anyway? remarked the Wheel Driver.

A brilliant young Frenchman, Carpentier, who had knocked out Bombardier Wells, came over again to defeat Gunboat Smith, and did so to the infinite delight of France and the whole Latin world, amidst the generous applause of Anglo-Saxondom.

An' besides, 'e sez, 'e reckons it's only a fair thing to smoke a cig'rette made wi' the larst chapter down the 'Igh Street o' Berlin the day Peace is declared. England. The wide door of the barn creaked open and admitted a swirl of sleety snow, a gust of bitter cold wind, and the Bombardier. A little group of men round a guttering candle-lamp looked up.

The sergeant-major looked impatiently for some sign of the doctor's arrival. The other two wounded men seemed in less serious case. The bombardier regained consciousness as the brandy touched his lips; he took a good mouthful, and answered the sergeant-major's question as to his condition with: "All right, sir. Only my left leg feels a bit queer. I must have given it a wrench."

Then the sergeant set his own trumpet to his lips, and the notes of the dismissal rang clearly through the air: The signal that in the manœuvres indicated the close of each evolution. After eighteen months of service Gustav Weise was made bombardier. Captain von Wegstetten thought this would now be a safe experiment with the erstwhile social-democrat.

Bruce, M. I.; Capt. Gardner, M. I.; Private C. F. King, M. I.; Private H. P. Porin, M. I.; Private J. Langford, M. I.; Gunner Asseline, "A" Battery; Gunner Emeye, "A" Battery; Bombardier Taylor, "A" Battery; Sergeant-Major Mawhinney, "A" Battery; Driver Harrison; Private H. P. Wilson; Private E. Mannsell; Private Walter Woodman; Private R. H. Dunn, School of Infantry; Private H. Jones, School of Infantry; Private R. Jones, School of Infantry; Col.-Sergt.

"Yes, sir; and the best day's work I ever did," said Pete, speaking sharply, decisively, and with a manly carriage about him that made Tom stare. "I was was bombardier in two years, and a month ago I got my sergeant's stripes." He gave a proud glance at the chevrons on his arm as he spoke. "I'm very glad, Pete." "Thankye, sir. I knew you would be. You did it, sir." "Yes, sir.

These bombs, at any rate, never failed to cause consternation and fright in Coniston, although they never did any harm. One thing noticeable, they were always fired in Jethro's absence. And the bombardier was always Chester Perkins, son of the most unbending and rigorous of tithing-men, but Chester resembled his father in no particular save that he, too, was a deacon and a pillar of the church.

The bombardier kicked him in the ribs with his heavy boots, and stormed at the rashness of such conduct, when at any moment an officer might come by. But the sentry, a tall, strong fellow, answered crossly, "Shut your mouth, you stupid swine! And if you dare to report me I'll break every bone in your body!" The bombardier grumbled something about "not going too far and getting into trouble."

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