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Don't know if I really congratulated you on the sermon; you spoke extraordinarily well, Graham. You've a great gift. After all, this war will give you a bit of a chance, eh? We must hear you again in St. John's.... Good-afternoon." "Good-afternoon, Mr. Lessing," said Graham, "and thank you for all you've said." In the street he walked slowly, and he thought of all Mr.

"And you are a wee bit too much the other way, sister mine!" And then, to take any sting out of the words, Alice rose from her chair with a bound, crossed the room in a rush, and flung her arms about her sister, embracing her heartily and kissing her. "Oh, Alice!" protested the other. "You are crushing me!" "I'm a regular bear, I suppose. Hark, is that daddy?"

"I've been living alone so long, you see, that I don't mind it a bit. I believe I'm naturally solitary." "I don't believe that," said Jolyon. "Do you know many people?" "Very few." At Waterloo they took a hansom, and he drove with her to the door of her mansions.

The coin I gave him was perhaps more valuable than he expected, for, after I had gone on a bit, he came after me and said: "Sir, you have given me a gold piece by mistake," with which he offered to return it to me. I might not have particularly remembered this, but for a similar thing which happened on another occasion.

There were men upon the highway, rogues with a bit of crape across their foreheads and a pair of pistols in their holsters, haunting the Portsmouth Road or Hounslow Heath, with the words "Stand and deliver" ever ready on their lips, who seem relatively to be men of honor and probity compared with a man like the first Lord Holland or like Rigby.

He was very busy. But Mr. McLane was with him a good deal, and said that although he was rather grim and quiet at times, at others he was as brilliant as his letters." "Does he drink at all, or is he forced to be a teetotaller?" "Not a bit of it. He drinks at table as others do; no more, no less." "Then he is cured," said Mrs. Bascom contentedly. "Well, I for one am glad that it's all right.

It takes a certain amount of pressure to push the lead slug through the barrel. Such slight variations in diameter of the bore as one-tenth of a thousandth can be readily detected, for if the barrel is smaller at any point than where it entered, the slug will stick, and if it is the least bit larger at any point, the slug will slide through too easily.

She grew more and more bewildered, and her dizzy head refused to reason. Mary never spoke. She held the bit of paper firmly, determined to retain possession of it, come what might; and anxious, and impatient, for her aunt to go. As she sat, her face bore a likeness to Esther's dead child.

I'll slip ashore, and see if I can't find snug quarters for him where he'll be out of the way of doing mischief." "What piece of devilry are you up to now?" I inquired a bit anxiously; for Haigh's vagaries, from what I had seen and heard of them, ranged between wild and mad, and having got so near the Recipe, I didn't want to get in any mess that would baulk us at the finish.

He changed the dinner hour to six, and used to go out directly afterwards. She began to complain of his leaving her alone like that. "Well, but wait a bit," said he; "suppose I am making a little money by it, to buy you something you have set your heart on, poor darling!" In a very few days after this, he brought her a little box with a slit in it.