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You both seemed exceedingly merry. I envied you. I seemed to realise how old and lonely I am. I think I envied you her friendship." "Your impression is natural," answered the Candy Man, "but the truth is I do not know Miss Bentley. We met unexpectedly in the pavilion that morning. I did not at the time realise it, I was unpardonably dense, but she took me for some one else.

And then he was conscious of a palpitating joy which left in its wake a profound thankfulness. He made no attempt as yet to correlate these increments, these glimpses of truth into a system, but stored them preciously away. "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." What she saw in Horace Bentley, he explained, was God.

"Post your wager," laughed Dick gayly. "Lau " "Wrong! My mother gets the next drive." And so she did, that same afternoon. But the following afternoon Prescott, after a good deal of attention to his personal appearance, walked to Getchel's and drove away from there behind the mare. The next stop was at the house of Dr. Bentley.

'I can read and understand a Latin author, said young Edward, with the self-confidence and rash reasoning of fifteen, 'and Scaliger or Bentley could not do much more. Alas! while he was thus permitted to read only for the gratification of his amusement, he foresaw not that he was losing for ever the opportunity of acquiring habits of firm and assiduous application, of gaining the art of controlling, directing, and concentrating the powers of his mind for earnest investigation an art far more essential than even that intimate acquaintance with classical learning which is the primary object of study.

"That is well. Any young man who has just spent many days communing with grand old Nature should feel it beneath his dignity to whisper to mere mortals. Master Hazelton, you are moving uneasily in your seat. Be calm; you will not have to cook your own dinner to-day. Miss Bentley, it is hardly fair to smile so knowingly.

Then the victor came to a stop, panting but happy. Five minutes later, when all the congratulations were over, he skated up beside Laura Bentley. "You saved my skates for me, Laura, and brought me luck all through. I want you to have the first ride on that toboggan."

Hodder has taught them to settle their differences in that way; it is much more sensible." She picked off the white clover-tops. "So that is Mr. Hodder, of St. John's," she said. "Ah, you know him, then?" "I've met him," she answered quietly. "Are these children connected with his church?" "They are little waifs from Dalton Street and that vicinity," said Mr. Bentley.

Even when the boy's clothes were packed and he was taken away she did not appear. The loss of her son made a sharp break in her life and she seemed less inclined to quarrel with her husband. John Hardy thought it had all turned out very well indeed. And so young David went to live in the Bentley farmhouse with Jesse. Two of the old farmer's sisters were alive and still lived in the house.

"I have had another talk with Mr. Swift," he reported to Mr. Bentley, who came to the instrument in Philadelphia. "Well, what does he say?" was the impatient question. "I can't understand his not wanting to try for the Government prize. It is astonishing. You said you were going to discover the reason, Mr Berg, but you haven't done so." "I have." "What is it?" "Well, the reason Mr.

When you get tired of painting, maybe you can amuse yourself trying to get to the bottom of our mystery." "Oh, have you a mystery? How interesting!" "Yes, a mystery a mystery," repeated Mr. Bentley solemnly, "that nobody hain't been able to solve so far. I've give it up so has everyone else. Maybe you'll have better luck." "But what is it?" "The mystery," said Mr.