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It is apparent that this tradition was, to some extent, incorrect, because it is quite certain that three, and probably most, of the bodies were recovered by their friends, at the time; but chiefly because it is believed, on sufficient grounds, that the locality, indicated in the tradition that had reached Doctor Bentley, was, in 1692, covered by the original forest.

Dick solemnly promised, whereat Dr. Bentley smiled. "That's all nonsense, Dick," laughed Laura's father. "I know, in my own heart, that you're going to be as good a son to mother and me as you have been to your own parents. God bless you both!"

Bentley," Hodder added, "has been my teacher this summer." The old gentleman's hand trembled a little on the goldheaded stick. "It is a matter of more pride to me than I can express, sir, that you are the rector of this church with which my most cherished memories are associated," he said.

There is something manly about him that appeals to me." "There," cried Eleanor, triumphantly, "I've always said Mr. Hodder had a spiritual personality. You feel you feel there is truth shut up inside of him which he cannot communicate. I'll tell you who impresses me in that way more strongly than any one else Mr. Bentley. And he doesn't come to church any more." "Mr.

"Seclusion," Magee had cried. "Bermuda," Bentley had suggested. "A mixture of sea, hotel clerks, and honeymooners!" the seeker for solitude had sneered. "Some winter place down South," from Bentley. "And a flirtation lurking in every corner!" from Magee. "A country town where you don't know any one." "The easiest place in the world to get acquainted. I must be alone, man! Alone!"

The brutal and bungling way in which the thing was done, said he, was enough to prove that 'Tonio had no hand in it. Thus could he talk to Bentley, at least, and even to Bucketts, who would listen, though he would not lie, and say he thought Harris right. None the less there had been amaze at McDowell when Archer's demand was received.

One has to be careful not to deal exclusively in superlatives, and yet it is not an exaggeration to say that St. John's was the most beautiful and churchly edifice in the city, thanks chiefly to several gentlemen of sense, and one gentleman, at least, of taste Mr. Horace Bentley.

I am afraid the slaves would never stay here alone; they are so disorganized and terrorized now over these unfortunate occurrences as to be almost useless." "Ay, ay, sir; if Lieutenant Seymour can spare me, I will stay." "Yes, Bentley, do; I shall be in good hands at Fairview Hall." "This is arranged, then," said Talbot. "It is nine o'clock. I think we would better start at once.

I could have told him that I did not think the error in this case was altogether or mainly his, or the persistence in it; for it had seemed to me from the beginning that the love between him and Miss Bentley was fully as much her affair as his, and that quite within the bounds of maidenly modesty she showed herself as passionately true to their plighted troth.

What ordeal that Horace Bentley in anger and retribution might have devised could have equalled this! And yet Eldon Parr did meet it with an effort. Hodder, from his corner, detected the effort, though it were barely discernible, and would have passed a scrutiny less rigid, the first outward and visible sign of the lesion within. For a brief instant the banker's eyes encountered Mr.