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"Upon my word I don't know anything about it," said Sir Hugh. "There are foxes at Clavering," said Archie, recommencing his duty. "The hounds will be here on Saturday, and I'll bet three to one I find a fox before twelve o'clock, or, say, half-past twelve that is, if they'll draw punctual and let me do as I like with the pack.

"Why did you come here?" "Oh," he said, "you must remember that I'm Lucifer, a citizen of the world, at home anywhere, a sort of 'freebooter. I'm not here all the time but that's no reflection on Quicksands. May I make a bet with you, Mrs. Spence?" "What about?" "That you won't stay in Quicksands more than six months," he answered. "Why do you say that?" she asked curiously. He shook his head.

I bet she was blind-folded and gagged and had cotton in her ears the hull time she was there!" "Didn't she tell you anythin' 'bout taxes?" "Taxes? You'd ha' thought 'twas bumble-bees' hind legs we was askin' 'bout! She ackshilly seemed s'prised to be asked. Land! What had she ever thought 'bout such triflin' things as taxes.

His hand don't shake of a morning, I'd bet five to one." Foker had not come home at all. Here was a disappointment! Mr. Spavin could not say when his friend would return. Sometimes he stopped a day, sometimes a week. Of what college was Pen? Would he have anything? There was a very fair tap of ale. Mr.

The knee slipped down from Mr. Winslow's grasp and his foot struck the floor with a crash. He made a frantic clutch at his friend's arm. "Oh, now, Sam," he cried, in horror, "don't do that! Don't talk so! You don't mean it! Come here! . . . Sam!" But the captain was at the door. "You bet I mean it!" he declared. "Keep your weather eye peeled, Jed. They'll be comin' 'most any time now.

"I bet somebody's robbed him and killed him," Westy said, kind of low. "That's just what I'm thinking," I said, "and when we open that door we'll see him lying on the floor dead, hey?" "Anyway, we have to open it," he said. "I'll open it if you don't want to," I told him. But, anyway, neither of us opened it. We just stood there and I felt awful funny.

After about a moment she spoke in a strained and totally altered voice: "Let me be for to-night, Hester. I've sold my papers, and I'm going home." "No, you're not, honey; you're coming along o' me. Don't I see as yer white with the grief, and half distraught like. There, I'm alone tonight, unless Will should drop in; come and have a cup o' tea with me, Bet." "My mother's dead, Hester," said Bet.

Lady Betty would have asked her, I'm sure," replied Bet. "Then she must have been an angel!" exclaimed Kit, who had so much joy taken out of her school life by the unpleasant remarks of Edith and her friend Vivian Long, that she did not welcome the thought of meeting her at the party. "Lady Betty was an angel!" cried Bet, tossing a kiss to the smiling face above her.

There will be little murmurs of approval; sometimes there is applause. Tonight a woman near Laura said, "Say, I bet that's an awful nice fellow." She never left her seat at once, as if moving would break a spell. For a little while after she had seen it, his smile would stay with her. Then it would fade, as things fade in the motion pictures. Somehow she didn't really have it.

Chartreuse with big brown dots in it. Bet it was sleeveless under that short little jacket of golden-brown chiffon velvet.... By Jove and Dundee lapsed into one of the Englishisms he had picked up during his six months' work in England as a tyro in the records department of Scotland Yard, before he had come to Hamilton to make a humble beginning as a cub detective on the Homicide Squad yes, by Jove, she was all dressed up, for some reason or other.