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He had such a reputation as an oddity at Lexington that there were a lot of remarks when he was made colonel and sent here; but there is no doubt that he has proved himself the right man so far, and although his men may grumble they believe in him. "My regiment is in his brigade, and I will bet any money that we have our share of fighting. What sort of man is Johnston?

I bet she was close to shedding tears of girlish mortification as she rode off without ever waiting for the mail. Things was getting to a pretty pass. If low creatures lost to all decent instincts, like these four, wouldn't ogle a girl when she was out for it, what could be expected of the better element of the town?

"Yes, and when Sheldon goes out in his boat to-morrow we'll be able to walk right away from him. It's a pity you can't get him to bet on it, but he won't bet on anything." "No, but Percival might. He likes to spend money. I'll get him to bet and win a lot from him."

You win, Bet!" "I certainly do, Kit Patten. Come on, girls, lend a hand and let's get these baskets home before they change their minds." As they were going up the trail toward the ranch, Young Mary suddenly appeared from a thicket of Palo Verde. "Kit," she said softly. Kit turned as if she had been shot. "Mary," she answered uneasily. "What's the matter?"

At once Commodus offered to bet that he could kill a hundred similar lions with a bare hundred arrows. Didius at once wagered the same sum he had just lost and the bet was made. The exhibition was delayed more than a month until it had been possible to accumulate at Rome a full hundred full-grown male lions.

"Say, Huck, if we find a treasure here, what you going to do with your share?" "Well, I'll have pie and a glass of soda every day, and I'll go to every circus that comes along. I bet I'll have a gay time." "Well, ain't you going to save any of it?" "Save it? What for?" "Why, so as to have something to live on, by and by." "Oh, that ain't any use.

"Come on, girls, let's go!" and Shirley hastened out the door in advance of others. "Let her go, Bet. She'll cool off in the frosty air," said Joy. "I think everybody is getting nervous and I'm sure it's my fault, I've been so irritable to everyone," replied Bet. But as they stepped outside the door their joyous spirits revived and they started away with a song.

After this adventure Hamar shunned restaurants, and manipulating his new property sparingly, and with the utmost caution, warned Kelson and Curtis to do the same. "I'll bet anything," he said to them, "it was a put-up job on the part of the Unknown a cunning device to make us break the compact." "Oh, we'll be careful enough as far as that goes," Curtis growled.

How was she to tell him the episode in the automobile in order that he might perceive something of its sinister significance? Where was she to go to be saved from herself, if not to him? "I might have run away with him, if I had loved him," she said after a pause. "Would you have cared?" "You bet your life," said Howard, and put his arm around her. She looked up into his face.

"Not he," replied A ; "I'll bet fifty to one, there's a bird there." "It's devilish odd, then, that he won't get up!" said Frank. Whack! whack! and he gave the hard tussock two kicks with his heavy boot, that fairly made it shake. Nothing stirred. Grouse still kept his point, but seemed half inclined to dash in.