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"Come here my pussonal self walked and runn'd most ob de way." "But, we sent you to the settlement. Why did you not go?" "Bress your soul, Massa Canfield, I'll bet dar's ten fousand million Injines in de wood, atween us and de settlement. I tried to butt my way trough dem, but dar was a few too many, and I had to gub it up." "How came you to wander so far out of your way as to get here?"

"I'll bet you've come home a proud, wicked girl, and you want us to be as bad as you are." Now Winnie was only six years old, about the same age as her virtuous friends, and she didn't look very wicked. She had pink cheeks, and blue eyes, and dimples. She stood gazing at her accusers, first at one and then at the other.

"That's by his way of it; but I've an idee of my own. He tried to bribe me, Mr. Michael. Bribe me!" she repeated, with inimitable scorn. "That's no' kind of a young gentleman." "Did he so?" said Michael. "I bet he didn't offer much." "No more he did," replied Teena; nor could any subsequent questioning elicit from her the sum with which the thrifty leather merchant had attempted to corrupt her.

"Ah, Captain Boyton," one would say, "you are a man of great luck. If you put this bet down for me, I know I shall win." That was the request made by several, when they had an opportunity to speak to him. One or two assistants would have been needed to accommodate all of them.

I opened them, but, as I did not understand them at all, I quickly closed them again, and read my little Lafontaine, which I loved passionately. I knew all his fables, and one of my delights was to make a bet with my godfather or with M. Meydieu, our learned and tiresome friend.

"One thing, I never could have finished it without you," Tom said, "and I'm glad you're going to stay, because you can be a kind of scoutmaster to both troops. I bet you'll be glad to see your own fellows. I bet you'll like Roy, too, and the other fellows I told you about. Peewee Harris you'll laugh at him. He has everybody laughing. Their own scoutmaster, Mr.

Gordon came in and was introduced and while she spoke of the theft of the fan and her unhappiness at Phil's part in the matter, the detective did not again take an aggressive tone. Yet his narrow eyes showed suspicion. Not being able to get word to her father, Bet brooded over the loss of the fan and it took all the ingenuity of her three friends to keep her cheerful.

There was no question now but that the boys, hurrying along as they did, were on the right road to the fire. They overtook others bound in the same direction; and as if this were not enough proof to settle the question, they could see that a great light was beginning to flame up, making the sky glow. "Bet you it's only a grass fire after all!"

Isn't he very thick with Jerrold?" "Oh, yes, rather. Jerrold entertains him a good deal." "Which is returned with compound interest, I'll bet you. Mr. Jerrold simply makes a convenience of him. He won't make love to his sister, because the poor, rich, unsophisticated girl is as ugly as she is ubiquitous.

The player on his right would then stake against it any article which he deemed of equal value; and if the leader accepted the bet he would signify it; his opponent had then to guess the number of pebbles taken by the first Indian; and if his conjecture was correct, became the possessor of the articles wagered.