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"That 's what the old colored man told a friend of mine." "If he does n't go to college till he wins with that horse," said Mr. Newby, "he is likely to find his education abbreviated." "I shall back him, anyhow." She settled herself in her seat. "Here, I 'll tell you what I will do. I will bet you he don't get a place," said Mr. Newby. "How much? What is a 'place'?" she asked.

It was just light, the soft dawn of a warm summer's day not yet half-past four. Walter said he would bet old Sol had already fired a gun in honour of the glorious battle won that day by England and her Allies, but so far off we could not hear it.

Looked jest like one of them foreign crockery figgers you buy in city stores all pink an' white, with big brown eyes here, an' a teeny, weeney mouth there, an' a nose an' ears, you'd have bet they wuz wax they wuz so small an' fragile.

Win began, in her nervous fatigue and anxiety on her own account, to wager with herself as to whether Sadie would finish that book before her turn came to take the fateful envelope. Would she? Would she not? "I bet she will!" Win thought. "If she does, it'll mean luck for us both!" And she did.

Booth, you shall go with us too. Though you are with your wife, another woman will keep you in countenance." "La! child," cries Amelia, "how you rattle!" "I am in spirits," answered Mrs. James, "this morning; for I won four rubbers together last night; and betted the things, and won almost every bet. I am in luck, and we will contrive to be partners Come." "Nay, child, you shall not refuse Mrs.

I thought that a poker player should not be so free with his emotions; but of course I said nothing. When it came his time to bet, he planked down a five-pound note on the table. The other two, as was usual, put down their cards. They were evidently very timorous players. The gambler hesitated for a second, then he put a ten-pound note on Storm's five-pounds.

But it is simply betting. Betting on the condition of the market weeks, even months, in advance. You bet wheat goes up. I bet it goes down. Those fellows in the Pit don't own the wheat; never even see it. Wou'dn't know what to do with it if they had it. They don't care in the least about the grain.

He said, "Well, I saw him in the Broadway about three-quarters of an hour ago, and then, seeing you here, and the house all open, I wondered if he had gone for good." With that I almost jumped out of my skin, though you can bet your life I never showed it. I said, "How do you know it was he?" He said, "It was him right enough, there's no doubt about that.

She did not reply, but drew her hand away with a shy diffidence. "I'll bet I could show you some things that would warm you up all right. I'm goin' into New York with the swellest bunch of French novelties you ever seen. I've got a peach-colored Piquette model I've brought over that's goin' to be the talk of the town." "A Piquette?" He laughed delightedly. "Sure! You never heard of the firm?

It was the fear that he might have to give up his home, that made Colonel Baxter worry, and Bet watched him with troubled eyes. He had put forth an extra effort to appear happy during the Christmas season, and he tried to throw himself into the plans for the party with his usual enthusiasm. Bet saw the difference, but wisely said nothing.