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"This one, most likely," answered Si. "Yes," accorded Shorty, with an estimating glance at the direction of the range of hills, "and'll aim at strikin' us at some bridge or deep cut about 10 miles from here." "Where we'll probably git sometime after dark," assented Si. "Yes. Let's talk to the conductor and engineer."

"What name?" "Labertouche. Why? You don't know him." "No; but Rutton did. Rutton got that poison from him." Quain whistled, his eyes round. "Did, eh? So much the better; he'll probably know all about Rutton and'll take a keener interest." "But you forget " "Hang your promise. I'm not bound by it and this is business blacker business than you seem to realise, Davy.

Oh! it's dam cunnin', but it won't do the trick. I'll transport Tom Bakewell, sure as a gun. He shall travel, that man shall. Sorry for you, Mr. Feverel sorry you haven't seen how to treat me proper you, or yours. Money won't do everything no! it won't. It'll c'rrupt a witness, but it won't clear a felon. I'd ha' 'soused you, sir! You're a boy and'll learn better.

"I'm sorry for you, but sure you're young enough not to take a thing like that to heart, and she's not the only girl in the world by a long chalk. By the time you're her age, she'll have a child or two, and'll mebbe be feeling very sorry for herself ... and you'll have the world fornent you still! A young fellow like you isn't going to let a wee thing like that upset you?"

"What we want is men that know machinery, and'll dig in and work like hell to beat the Kaiser. If you're that sort we don't ask your religion. We've got a bunch that start to-night." "Holy smoke!" said Jimmie. He had thought he would have time to ask questions and to think matters over, time to see his friends and say good-bye.

But in regard o' this here will, I don't mean to take no steps towards the property Lord forbid! except to keep it for a more rightful owner; and I hope yet as the rightful owner, Sol Gills, is living and'll come back, strange as it is that he ain't forwarded no dispatches.

Love one another'" gasp gasp gasp " 'Love one another, he says, 'and learn to help each other and stand up for each other, he says, 'and hate war and fightin' and money grabbin' "gasp gasp gasp "'Peace on earth, he says, 'Know the truth, and the truth shall make you free' and he saw there'd be a time" the old man raised himself on one elbow "Yes, by God there will be! a time when men'll learn not to be beasts and'll be men men, little gal!"

We got it for him a driver who is a right guy and'll drive him down where there's a bunch of the fellows. They ain't goner do nothing serious but well, he won't campaign much from a hospital cot," he added sagely. "Say here he comes now with that girl. I better beat it."

But take a drop of wine," urged he, filling a drinking-horn and presenting it to her; "it's choice canary, and'll do you good. And now, come and sit by me, my dear, and let's have a little quiet chat together. When things are at the worst, they'll mend. Take my word for it, your troubles are over." "I hope they are, Sir," answered Mrs.

But last night got him in the vitals hit him between the eyes; and his stock's not worth ten cents in the dollar to-day. But though the pumas are out, and he's done, and'll never see his way out of the hole he's in" he laughed at his grisly joke" it's natural to let him down easy. You've looked his way; he did you a good turn at the Carillon Rapids, and you'd do one for him if you could.