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Then, directly that she be afloat, I'll put on a strong gang o' riggers to get her masts in and rigged and her spars across the sails be makin' now, and'll be finished by the time that she's ready vor 'em; and when she's all complete I'll fit her out in ordnance, ammunition, and weapons of all sorts, and provision her for a year's cruise, all at my own expense.

'Well, said she, when I had stopped to look round, 'it's my belief as the cuss is a-workin' now, and'll have to spend itself. If it could ha' spent itself on the feyther as did the mischief, why all well an' good, but, you see, he's gone, an' left it to spend itself on his chavi; jist the way with 'em Gorgio feythers an' Romany daddies.

I'll wring the rascal's neck for forgettin' S'lome. Why, man, she's the pride of this farm, and the queen of every heart on it! S'lome? Who's S'lome? Ask any nigger or dog in the county, and they'll tell you. She's our 'dopted daughter, man, off to Bellwood for her second year, and'll be home the fifth of June, God bless her!"

"Well, have you got the nerve, in case the man is loose over that way?" Ashton's eyes flashed. "I'll go! Perhaps I'll get another crack at the scoundrel." "Keep cool. It's ninety-nine chances in the hundred he's on the run and'll keep going all week." "Shall I start now? As we came by a very roundabout way We went first in the opposite direction, and then skirted High Mesa down from the mountains.

Moneylaws says the doctor had been twice with him, and'll be able to give a certificate, so there'll be no inquest about him; but what's to be done about his friends and relations? It's likely there'll be somebody, somewhere. And all that money on him and in his chest?" Mr. Lindsey shook his head and smiled.

"Purty slouchy bizniss that, givin' these kids guns before they've had any drill at all don't know even the facin's, let alone the manual of arms," remarked Shorty doubtfully, as they marched over to the shed. "They'll be shooting holes through each others' heads and the tops o' the cars, and'll waste more ammynition than a six-mule team kin haul.

You'll find some little things about five-and- twenty foot over all; they're plenty large enough, and some of 'em are regular leg-o'-mutton-rigged a big sail for'ard and a jigger aft; they sail like witches, and'll go right in the wind's eye. Look out for one of them chaps; one man can handle 'em in any weather. And now I must be off. Good-bye, my lad, and good luck to ye."

Naught heard or seen?" "All's safe, all's serene," replied Miss Pett. "And you're in luck's way, for there's my nephew Christopher arrived from London, to help me about settling my affairs and removing my effects from this place, and he's a lawyer and'll give you good advice." Mallalieu growled a little. He had seen Mr. Christopher Pett and he was inclined to be doubtful of him.

He tapped the box behind him. "Why did I do it? Because it's my way. And you're going to marry my niece, and'll have it all some day. But not till I've finished with it not unless you win it from me at dice or cards.... But no" something human came into the old, degenerate face "no more gambling for the man that's to marry Diana. There's a wonder and a beauty!" He chuckled to himself.

"I'll give you a bit of advice, keeper," shouted Tom, who was sitting in his shirt paddling with his feet in the river: "you'd better go down there to Swift's, where the big boys are; they're beggars at setting lines, and'll put you up to a wrinkle or two for catching the five-pounders."