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"I ain't never seen no one could juggle a six-gun like they say these birds could do, but I reckon there's some truth in it. Leastways, there are some that can shoot pretty good." He, too, leaned back, with an air of self-satisfaction. Banker chuckled again. "You're both good ones," he said. "This gent can shoot some, ma'am. He comes from Arkansas. But I ain't a-worryin' none about that.

"Not all of them!" said Gilmore, with lazy amusement. "Catched unawares?" hinted Montgomery. But Gilmore changed the subject abruptly. "Well, what did you come here for?" he demanded. "I got a lot of things on my mind, boss! I been a-worryin' all morning and then I thinks of you. 'Mr. Gilmore's the man to go to, I tells myself, and I quit my job and come here."

"No no, I ain't a-worryin' none, but Clay, I'd hate a heap for any harm to come to that li'l' girl." His voice quavered. "Sho! We're right on their heels, Johnnie. So are the cops. We'll make a gather and get Kitty back all right." Miss Annie Millikan's pert smile beamed through the window at Clay when he stepped up. "Hello, Mr. Flat-Worker," she sang out. "How many?"

The doctor looked at the room. "It seems made for a nursery, doesn't it?" he commented. "Let's see. You could put six little beds along each side, and a couple in the other room with the nurse's bed. That would more than dispose of your dozen already." "And I been a-worryin' what to do with 'em all when I got this room! I ought 'a' been ashamed of myself!

Country wimin works all day an' as often as not dandles a babby all night, they've not got a minnit but what they aint a-troublin' an' a-worryin' 'bout 'usband or childer, an' their faces is all writ over wi' the curse o' the garden of Eden. Selfish? They aint got the time!

I felt that I couldn't bear to git there any later and keep France a-waitin' for us, a-worryin' for fear we wouldn't git there at all, so we went post-haste from Calcutta to Bombay and from there to Cairo and on to Marseilles; though we laid out to stop long enough in Cairo to take a tower in Jerusalem. Holy Land, wuz I, indeed, to see thee? We wuz considerable tired when we got to Bombay.

And I sot there all alone, and a-meditatin' on things, and a-wonderin' what under the sun he wuz a-traipsin up to Joe Charnick's for at that time of night, and a-worryin' some for fear he wuz a-keepin' Miss Charnick up, and a-spozin' in my mind what Miss Charnick would do, to get along with the meetin' house, and the Conference question, if she wuz a member.

"When I goes on de police fo'ce I takes good care ob my beat, and you needn't be a-worryin', Freddie, de Snoopy kitty cat and de Downy duck will be heah when you comes back," and she nodded her wooly head in real earnest.

"I'd forgot that how come you to remember it?" "On account of your havin' lost the chisel and the tombstone man a-worryin' me about it to this day. I'll take you to the place. There's climbin' but it won't hurt us none, though we ain't as young as we might be.

Liar it is, tho' 'twud serve him right ter be th' other. An' where's his second wife?" "That's what's a-worryin' him; he don't know." "Ah, ha!" Riley chuckled, "why shouldn't it? It's bad enough when th' wife don't know where ye are, but when ye don't know where th' wife is an' her apt ter turn up anny minnit! Ah, let him worry; it's good f'r him. What else did ye find out by ye'er mixin's?"